; this is textual file, for localization ; ;============================================================================ ; GENERIC TITLE ;============================================================================ lPathTitle=Title.en/ lPoselstviTrunu=King's legacy II lLegenda=The Legend ; Sign "&" isn't see, but following sign is short key for button lNovaHra=&New game lMultiplayer=&Multiplayer lIntro=&Intro lCredits=&Credits lKonecHry=E&xit game lZpet=&Cancel lAno=&Yes lNe=&No lOk=&Ok lPause=pause lMoment=moment lServer=&Server lClient=C&lient lZadejAdresuServeru=Enter address of server: lTCPIP=TCP/IP lHeslo=Password: lConnect=Co&nnect lConnectionFailed=Connection failed: lServerStartFailed=Server start failed lNetSessionFull=Session full lNetConRejected=Host connection refused lNetNoHost=Server not found lNetInvalidPassword=Invalid password lNetNoConnection=No connection lNetInvalidHostAddr=Invalid host address lNetAborted=Aborted lNetInvalidApplication=Invalid application lNetInvalidDevice=Invalid device lNetInvalidFlags=Invalid parametres lNetInvalidInstance=Invalid instance lNetInvalidInterface=Invalid web game lNetAlreadyConnected=Already connected lNetTimeout=Timeout lNetGameInProgress=Game in progress lNetGameLocked=Game locked lNetUnknown=Unknown error lConnectionLost=Connection lost lAIDefeated=AI defeated lPlayerDefeated=Player %0% has been defeated lPlayerConnected=Player %0% has got connected lPlayerLeaved=Player %0% has left lPlayerLost=Player %0% lost connection lPlayerRemoved=Player %0% has been removed lObserverTalkOn=Observers´ chatting allowed lObserverTalkOff=Observers´chatting forbidden lGameLocked=Game locked lGameUnlocked=Game unlocked lIniting=Initiating ;lLoading=Načítám mapu lChoosing=Selecting a player lPrepared=Ready lUnknown=Unknown conditions lUnused=Unoccupied lAI=AI lOK=OK lDifferentPrograms=Different program versions lDifferentDatabases=Different database versions lDifferentMaps=Different map versions lDifferentUnknown=Unidentified difference lEnterPassword=Enter a password lAllianceFormed= %0% and %1% have closed alliance lAllianceFailed= %0% and %1% have failed in closing alliance lAllianceBreaked=Alliance of %0% and %1% has been cancelled lDiplomacie=&Diplomacy lNabidnoutMir=Suggest &piece lVyhlasitValku=Declare &war lChcesPrijmoutMirS= Do you want to accept piece with lmRychlost=Speed lmMesta=Towns lmHrdinove=Heroes ;Abbreviation for money lZl=gl. lDemo=&Demo lPribeh=&Story lNavolitHru=Choose a &game lNahratHru=&Load a game lUlozitHru=&Save a game lNastaveni=Se&ttings lUkoly=&Tasks lNavratDoHry=&Return to game lStatistika=&Statistics lRestartMapy=Restart the &map lKonecMapy=&End the map lOvladani=Con&trols lZvukyAMuzika=&Sounds / music lVideo=&Video lNahrat=&Load lUlozit=&Save lSmazat=&Delete lHerniMenu=Game menu lUkladam=Saving ... lNahravam=Loading ... lVyberHrace=Select a player lZadejJmenoHrace=Insert a player name lHrac=Player lZalozitHrace=Crea&te lSmazatUlozenouPozici=Delete saved position lPrepsatUlozenouPozici=Re-write saved position lScrollovaniMysi=Mouse scroll lScrollovaniKlavesnici=Keyboard scroll lHlasitostZvuku=Sound volume lHlasitostMuziky=Music volume lGammaCorection=Gamma correction lLoading=Loading lRegenerateNavigation=Regenerate navigation lRychlostHry=Game speed lRychlost1=slow lRychlost2=slower lRychlost3=normal lRychlost4=fast lRychlost5=very fast lRychlost6=superfast lPridat=&Add lZrusit=&Cancel lClovek=Human lBarbar=Barbarian lTrpaslik=Dwarf lElf=Elf lNeutral=Neutral lZvire=Animal lStroj=Machine lNemrtvy=Living dead lOsada=Settlement lVesnice=Village lMesto=Town lHrdina=Hero lBody=Points lPotrebaBodu=Point needed lPopulace=Population lJidlo=Food lVystavba=Build-up lPenize=Money lZlato=Gold lKosti=Bones lDrevo=Wood lZelezo=Iron lKorinky=Rootlets ;============================================================================ ; PREKLADY zakladnich vlastnosti ;============================================================================ lUtok=Attack lPlusBonusProti=Plus bonus against lHumanoidum=Humanoid lZviratum=Animals lStrojum=Machines lNemrtvym=Living deads lObrana=Defence lProtiStrelam=Against shots lZivotu=Lives lMana=Manna lNosnost=Tonnage lRasa=Race lRychlost=Speed lCena=Price lDoba=Time nebo Age nebo Period (podle kontextu) lZraneniJedem=Poison injury lZisk=Profit lZtrata=Losse lLevel=Level lZkusenost=Experience lDohled=Eyeshot lPresost=Accuracy lPresnost=accuracy lDostrel=Gun-range lRegeneraceZivotu=Lives regeneration lRegeneraceMany=Manna regeneration lZraneniJedem=Poison injury lVystavba=Build-up lVyzkum=Research lVycvik=Training lReinkarnace=Rebirth lVycvicit=Train lPopis=Description lHodin=Hours lMusiBytVyzkouman=Must be examined lMusisMitVesnici=You must have a village lMusisMitMesto=You must have a town lInformace=Information lPostavitOnlyOne=This building can be it only once lPytlu=Sacks lLidi=People lProhralJsi=You lost! lJeMrtev=is dead lJeMrtva=is dead lVyhralJsi=You won! lMusisPostavit=You must build lNesmiBytPostaven=It may not be built lMusisVynalezt=You must invent lVyhralJsi=You won! lNelzePouzit=Impossible to use lBylElimonovan=He's been eliminated lRadniceBylaZnicena=The Town-hall has been destroyed lBezZbroje=Unarmoured lNavrhNoveJednotky=New troop suggestion lZbroje=New armour suggestion lZbrane=New weapon suggestion lZbran=Weapon lVyzkoumana=Examined lKouzla=Magics lVlastnosti=Skills ;============================================================================ lNepritel=Enemy lSpojenec=Ally lNeutral=Neutral lVypnut=Shut down lVsichniProtiVsem=Deathmatch lNeprateleVAlianci=Enemies coalition lVitezstviDestroyAll=Victory: Destroy buildings and kill all enemies lVitezstviDestroyHouse=Victory: Destroy all enemy's buildings lVitezstviDestroyUnit=Victory: Kill all enemies ;============================================================================ lzNatezil=Mined lzZlata=gold lsNatezil=Mined lsSuroviny=commodity lpPostavil=Built lpDomu=houses ljVycvicil=Trained ljJednotek=units ldZboril=Destroyed ldDomu=houses ljZabil=Killed ljJedotek=units ;oznaceni pro odpocet casu ldnu=days: ;============================================================================ lTyp=Tip lUpozorneni=Notice lHlavniUkoly=Main tasks lNepovineUkoly=Optional tasks lZobrazovatDalsiTypy=Display next tips ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ lnPresun=&Shift lhPresun=It'll command the troop to shift to the selected position. lrPresun=Determine the shift location ... ;============================================================================ lnUtok=&Attack lhUtok=It'll command the troop to attack the selected target. lrUtok=Determine the attack target ... ;============================================================================ lnObrana=&Standby lhObrana=Stand by and fight only, if somebody's around! ;============================================================================ lnPatrol=&Patrol lhPatrol=Patrol! lrPatrol=Determine a final destination of the patrol ... ;============================================================================ lnInformace=&Information lhInformace=It'll display in detail information on the troop ;============================================================================ lnPrace=&Work lhPrace=The troop will work so mine, build, or repare ... ;============================================================================ lnPostavit1=&Build lhPostavit1=Construction of economic buildings. ;============================================================================ lnPostavit2=&Build lhPostavit2=Construction of military buildings. ;============================================================================ lnOkupace=&Occupation lhOkupace=Command the hero to attack the targetted Town hall, seriously damage it, occupy it and entire enemy town. lrOkupace=Determine an enemy town hall to be occupied. ;============================================================================ lnKonverze=&Capture lhKonverze=Command the troop to occupy the enemy mechanical troop. lrKonverze=Determine a mechanized troop to be occupied... ;============================================================================ lnPoint=&Target lhPoint=It'll locate the place where all here made units will be shifted at the end. lrPoint=Determine the final destination ... ;============================================================================ lnVylodit=&Disembark lhVylodit=It'll locate, where the ship is to cast an anchor and all units to disembark. lrVylodit=Determine final destination ... ;============================================================================ lZadejCiloveMistoProSeslaiKouzla=Insert the place where magic is to be sent ... lTimtoPredmetemMuzesVyzbrojitNoveVojaky=With this object you can weapon new soldiers. lVynalezeniNovehoKouzla=New magic invention lUmozniVyrabetJednotku=Enables to produce an unit lVylepsiJednotku=Improves the troop lVylepsiVsechny=Improves all lStrelce=Shooters lStroje=Machines lVojaky=Soldiers lMagiky=Magics lDelniky=Workers lLode=Ships lBudovy=Buildings ;lUrciCilovouJednotku=Urči cílovou jednotku ... ;lText1=P ;lText2=oslyšte příběh, který se odehrával ;lText3=za dob temna, kde spolu byli nuceni ;lText4=uzavřít příměří dvě znepřátelené říše ;lText5=lidí a trpaslíků. ;lText6=To proto, že se objevil nepřítel ;lText7=mnohem silnější a krutější. ;lText8=Mnoho lidských i trpasličích měst ;lText9=bylo spáleno na prach společným ;lText10=nenáviděným nepřítelem. ;lText11= ;lText12= Lidé se ;lText13=hromadně stěhují co nejdál od ;lText14=válečných hranic. ;lText15=Pevnost, která je pod tvým ;lText16=velením je jedinou spásou ;lText17=této země. ;lText18=Úkoly: ;lText19=- Braň se 15 dní ;lText20=- Najmi hrdinu ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE PERKS perks.dbf |<- podsad se to vejde ;============================================================================ V lKouzelnik=Wizard lhKouzelnik=This character enables the hero to save manna. Another points can be used to buy magics. lVudce=Leader lhVudce=Enables the hero to seize a foreign town. The Town hall, you try to occupy, must be first damaged of one third, before it is possible to hoist the flag. lMonter=Mechanic lhMonter=This character enables the hero to seize terrestrial machinery. Before the machine is seized, it must be at least half-damaged. lBerseker=Berseker lhBerseker=Makes hero extremely eager to fight, even say, bloodthirsty. Hero doesn't matter his injuries, but matters the injuries he is causing to enemies. lDoktor=Doctor lhDoktor=The hero with such character is able to accelerate the life-regeneration of his units. lVymitac=Exorcist lhVymitac=The hero with this power above all hates evil and living dead at all. Fighting living deads, the hero has many advantages. lOpatrny=Cautious lhOpatrny=This character makes your hero very wary, so that is very difficult to hurt him. In contrary he looses his combat power. lLov=Hunter lhLov=The hero with this character knows nature and wildlife so is able to easily fight the animals. lFunebrak=Blackcoat lhFunebrak=The hero like that loots and steals the stuff of killed enemies. Profit level depends on the level of the hero. lZvedavy=Curious lhZvedavy=This character makes the hero very good observant, but he is slow. lSaboter=Saboteur lhSaboter=This character makes of your hero the king of sabotage. You will be very good at destroying of enemy machinery. lZmatkar=Puzzlehead lhZmatkar=This character makes the hero pretty fast but he absolutely looses caution and defence skills. lPeclivy=Careful lhPeclivy=Hero is very consequential, which reflects first in his accuracy and in his defence skills. Unfortunately whatever he does, does quite slowly. lNicitel=Destroyer lhNicitel=This hero is a simple guy that doesn't appreciate anybody's life nor his own. He can kill a plenty of enemies, but can also be killed very quickly. lZabijak=Slayer lhZabijak=Slayer is a master of fighting against humans, but he is in a trouble fighting other species. lVrah=Murderer lhVrah=Hero is in brief an assassin - he is an absolute thread for all humanoids, but the noteless which is necessary for his success is affecting his speed. lZbabelec=Coward lhZbabelec=Cowards allways tend to avoid any kind of combat - he belongs among fastest heros. ;lPozorovatel=Pozorovatel ;lhPozorovatel=Hrdina pozorovatel je velmi ostražitý, a proto nepřehlédne ani neviditelnou jednotku. ;lSvatymuz=Svatý muž ;lhSvatymuz=Svatý muž má kolem sebe auru, jejíž delší působení nevydrží žádný nemrtvý. ;lVojevudce=Vojevůdce ;lhVojevudce=Takovýto hrdina je schopen povzbudit okolní jednotky k lepším bojovým výkonům a většímu sebeobětování. ;lObrance=Obránce ;lhObrance=Hrdina Obránce je schopen donutit okolní přátelské jednotky držet formaci a tím pádem zlepšit jejich obranné schopnosti. lTravic=Poisoner lhTravic=This hero knows a lot of herbs and poisonous fungi - so he can make make of it a poisonous weaponry - arrows etc. lMag=Magician lhMag=Magician is a master in field of occultism, he regenerates manna to surrounding virtuous units. ;lMedium=Médium ;lhMedium=Médium je schopné zprostředkovat okolním jednotkám kontakt s démonickými sférami a tím zrychlit jejich přísun magické energie. lZiskaVliv=grow ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE WEAPONS item.dbf ;============================================================================ lKozenaZbroj=Leather armour lKrouzkovaZbroj=Chain armour lStit=Shield lRemdich=Mace lMec=Sword lRapir=Rapier lKuse=Crossbow lHalapartna=Pole-axe lObourucniMec=Two-hand sword lKynzal=Kinjal lKyj=Cudgel lPalice=Bludgeon lSekera=Axe lPrak=Sling lObourucniKyj=Two-hand cudgel lOstep=Spear lObourucniPalice=Two-hand bludgeon lDestickovaZbroj=Lamellar armour lPlatovaZbroj=Clad armour lMitrilovaZbroj=Mitril armour lKladivo=Hammer lObourucniKladivo=Sledge lObourucniSekera=Two-handed axe lBambitka=Pistol lTunika=Tunic lZbroj=Virtuous armour lDyka=Dagger lSavle=Sabre lObourucniSavle=Fighter scythe lKratkyLuk=Short bow lDlouhyLuk=Long bow ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE SPELL spell.dbf ;============================================================================ ;kouzla NEMAJ hinty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; nutno DODELAT lUzdraveni=Recovery lhUzdraveni=Cures 35 lives of an objective units. lProkleti=Curse lhProkleti=Slows down an objective units and reduce its defence. lVyvolaniKostlivce=Rise skeleton lhVyvolaniKostlivce=Converts a cadaver for a limited time into a skeleton fully-obedient to your orders. lKrupobiti=Hail lhKrupobiti=Hurts all units and buildings in an objective area. lVyvolaniDemona=Demon's invocation lhVyvolaniDemona=Creates a powerful infernal demon for a limited time, a flying monster spitting poisonous clouds. lOhnivyDest=Fiery rain lhOhnivyDest=Hurts all units and buildings in an objective area. lOhnivyStit=Fiery shield lhOhnivyStit=Reinforces the armour of friendly units in an objective area. lTornado=Tornado lhTornado=Creates an accidentally moving tornado, wounding units and buildings. lFireBall=Fireball lhFireBall=Creates a murderous fiery ball, targetting the selected troop or building. lOslepeni=Blinding lhOslepeni=Blinds enemy units in an objective area. Blind units can attack normally, but having a zero surveillance. lDvojnik=Double lhDvojnik=Temporarily splits an objective troop in two. lRychlost=Speed lhRychlost=Speeds up friendly units in the area of its incidence. lWooDoo=WooDoo lhWooDoo=Weakens attack and defence of an objective troop. lZmrznuti=Glaciation lhZmrznuti=Forbids enemy units all movements and possible attack in an objective area, but increases their defence level. lZrozeniAndela=Angel's invocation lhZrozeniAndela=Invokes an angel for a limited time to fight the flying infernal monsters. lZrozeniAndela2=Dark angel's invocation lhZrozeniAndela2=Curses an angel, changes its characteristics and adds him on your side. lZrozeniStromu=Tree awakening lhZrozeniStromu=Gives a life to an objective tree so you have an overall control over it. lZrozeniGolema=Golem lhZrozeniGolema=Creates a powerful soil golem to kill your enemies. lOtrava=Poisoning lhOtrava=Gets the units in an objective area poisoned for long time lZrozeniPanaPekel=Satan's invocation. lhZrozeniPanaPekel=Creates the most powerful infernal monster in order to combat your enemies. lVodniStit=Water shield lhVodniStit=Reinforces the armour of friendly units in an objective area. lDest=Rain lhDest=Hurts all units and buildings in an objective area. lLahvickaZdravi=Health amplullae production lhLahvickaZdravi=For little money creates a curative nostrum. lZrozeniGolemaIce=Icy golem lhZrozeniGolemaIce=Creates a powerful icy golem to kill your enemies. lRachejtle=Firework's production lhRachejtle=Shoots an explosive rocket to the final destination. lSabotazBudovy=Building sabotage lhSabotazBudovy=Annihilates the objective building close to an alchemist. lExorcizmus=Exorcismus lhExorcizmus=Destroys manna for all enemy ground army in a circle around the invoker. lProkletiAndela=Angel's curse lhProkletiAndela=Curses an angel, changes his characteristics and adds him on your side. lDruidToMedved= Transformation in a bear lhDruidToMedved=Changes a druid in a bear lMedvedToDruid=Transformation in a druid lhMedvedToDruid=Retransformes a bear in a druid. lOltarBoziSily=Divine force altar lhOltarBoziSily=Renforces the units in its surroundings. lStradaniMany=Virtuous fountain lhStradaniMany=Speeds up the regeneration of manna of all units round. lTotemHruzy=The totem of horror lhTotemHruzy=Intimidates and gets all enemies near by weaken. lVidetOkoli=Vision lhVidetOkoli=Discloses a part of the map inclusive the invisible units. lZneviditelniJine=Invisibility lhZneviditelniJine=Makes the objective units invisible. lZneviditelnitSe=Self-invisibility lhZneviditelnitSe=Makes the invoker invisible. lTotemZdravi=The totem of life lhTotemZdravi=Accelerates the lives regeneration of the units friendly units in the area. lOdpalitRaketu=Rocket launching lhOdpalitRaketu=Launches a nuclear dewastating rocket to the final destination on the map. lOvladnutiMysli=Mind-control lhOvladnutiMysli=The invoker obtains the control over the target troop. lKouzloVycvik1=Training lKouzloVycvik2=Training lKouzloVycvik3=Training ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE UPGRADE upgrade.dbf ;============================================================================ lStrelnyPrach=Gunpowder lAmuletNicitele=Destroyer's amulet lPrivesekSmrti=Death appendix lSvatyNahrdelnik=Holy necklace lLoveckyTalisman=Hunter's talisman lAmuletRychlostiMagu=Amulet of magician's speed lOstreStrely=Sharp missiles lKaleneStrely=Hardening missiles lVybusneStrely=Explosive missiles lBystryStrelec=Swift shooter lViraVJedinehoBoha=Monotheism lKovanaKola=Wrought wheels lDrazkovaKola=Slot wheels lBronzoveZbrane=Bronze weapons lKalenaOcel=Hardened steel lRychlaSmrt=Sudden death lVelkyDostrel=Big gun-range lNejdelsiDostrel=Longest gun-range lUtuzeneZdravi=stronger health lPevneZdravi=good health lMagickaKouleDohledu=Magical sight sphere lPevnaZbroj=Rigid armour lPevnejsiZbroj=Rigider armour lUcinneStroje=Effective machinery lPetrolejka=Bigger visual rate lLeveckyPrsten=Hunter's ring lPrstenOchranyPredNemrtvymi=zombie protection ring lPrstenVraha=Murderer's ring lPrstenRychlostiMagiku=Agile magician's ring lPrstenRychlostiDelniku=Quicker work ring lUsporaMany=Meditation lPresnyStrelec=Dead eye lPresnejsiStrelec=Error-free shooter lLepsiNosnost=Better tonnage lhLepsiNosnost=It adds better tonnage to all workers. lVylepsenaNosnost=Improved tonnage lhVylepsenaNosnost=It adds to all workers improved tonnage. lLPalisada=Palisade lhLPalisada=To build a wooden rampart on the determined place. lBPalisada=Palisade lhBPalisada=To build a wooden rampart on the determined place off the town. lTPalisada=Palisade lhTPalisada=To build a wooden rampart on the determined place off the town. lLHradby=Walling rampart lhLHradby=To build a stone rampart on the determined place off the town. lTHradby=Stone rampart lhTHradby=To build a stone rampard on the determined place off the town. lEHradby=Thorntrees lhEHradby=To plant out a thorn rampart on the determined place off the town. lLUpgradeOsadu=Raise a settlement to village lhLUpgradeOsadu=By raising a settlement to village you'll get access to new buildings and more people can stay within civilian houses. lLUpgradeVes=Raise a village to town lhLUpgradeVes=By raising a village to town you'll get access to new buildings and more people can stay within civilian houses. lTUpgradeVes=Raise a village to town lhTUpgradeVes=By raising a village to town you'll get access to new buildings and more people can stay within civilian houses. lBudovyOc1=Better masonry lBudovyOc2=Improved masonry lLodeUc1=Better marine attack lhLodeUc1=It improves your boats´ attack force. lLodeUc2=Improved marine attack lhLodeUc2=It improves your boats´ attack force. lLodeOc1=Better marine defence lhLodeOc1=It improves your boats´ defence force. lLodeOc2=Improved marine defence lhLodeOc2=It improves your boats´ defence force. lSabotaz=Sabotage lVynalezVzducholode=Airship production lUpgradeVzducholod=Beaded charge lVynalezDraka=Dragons fetch lhVynalezDraka=It teaches your druids to lay down a dragonish egg. lUpgradeDraka=Norse dragons fetch lBylinkarstvi=Herbes knowledge lHbitost=Forest swiftness lUdatnost=Bravery lJedZbrane=Sick of blade lJedSipy1=Curari lJedSipy2=Killing curari lVynalezZneviditelnovace=Masking production generator lUpgradeZneviditelnovace=Reinforcement of the reactor lUpgradeJeduZlodeje=Poisonous daggers lVosa-upgrade=Curses wasps lBNarust_Populace=Dried meat lhBNarust_Populace=It increases your buildings´capacity of one more man per a civilian house. lENarust_populace=Luxury habitation lhENarust_populace=It increases your buildings´capacity of one more man per a civilian house. lPovysit_na_vesnici=To improve a tower lhPovysit_na_vesnici=To rebuild it in a high tower. lPovysit_na_mesto=To improve a tower lhPovysit_na_mesto=To improve a tower fortification lPovysit_na_balistu=To place a ballista lhPovysit_na_balistu=To place a ballista on the tower. lPovysit_na_kanon=To place a cannon lhPovysit_na_kanon=To place a cannon on the tower, the tower will not be able to attack air forces. lPovysit_na_kamen=To place a catapult lhPovysit_na_kamen=To place a stone thrower on the tower. The tower will not be able to attack air forces. lPovysit_na_katapult=Fire balls thrower lhPovysit_na_katapult=To place a fire balls thrower on the tower. The tower will not be able to attack air forces. lPovysitStrom=Unction lhPovysitStrom=Improves a watchtree. lVynalez_Vrtulniku=Helicopter invention lKoupit spiona=Buy a spy lhKoupit spiona=Buys a foreign enemy worker who is going to inform you on what is happening outthere. ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE EFECT vliv.dbf ;============================================================================ lHruza=Horror lMeditace=Meditation lSvaty=Venerability lBoziSila=Divine power lNeviditelnost=Invisibility lSpital=Hospital lVojevudce=General lObrance=Defender lPozorovatel=Detector ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE RESTORES restore.dbf ;============================================================================ lKostlivec+mec=Bony tommy lKostlivec+mec=Bony tommy lKostlivec+luk=Bony bowman lKostlivec+kun=Death rider lhKostlivec+kun=Invokes a hell rider of darkness. The rider dies when manna expires out of him. lDuch=Ghost lhDuch=Invokes an invisible soul from the other world. The ghost is invisible but it can reveal other invisible beings. lUroda-Grunt=Crop lhUroda-Grunt=Farm land tolls 50 golds from the sale of crops. lUroda-Mlyn-L=Tithe lhUroda-Mlyn-L=Miller regularly pays you a tithe of his gain in a form of 100 wood. lUroda-Mlyn-B=Tithe lhUroda-Mlyn-B=Miller regularly pays you a tithe of his gain in a form of 100 bones. lUroda-Mlyn-T=Tithe lhUroda-Mlyn-T=Miller regularly pays you a tithe of his gain in a form of 100 iron. lUroda-Mlyn-E=Tithe lhUroda-Mlyn-E=Miller regularly pays you a tithe of his gain in a form of 100 rootlets. lPan_Pekel=Satan lhPan_Pekel=Invokes a dark devilish creature. lRaketa=Rocket lhRaketa=Having accumulated heavy metal you can build up a pad for a whacking missile able to be launched anywhere. The destructive effect of this weapon is enormous - absolutely everything within the exposure range will be destroyed. lLKupPenize=Sale lhLKupPenize=Sells 50 clogs with the view of gain 30 golds. lBKupPenize=Sale lhBKupPenize=Sells 50 bones with the view of gain 30 golds. lTKupPenize=Sale lhTKupPenize=Sells 50 iron ingots with the view of gain 30 golds. lEKupPenize=Sale lhEKupPenize=Sells 50 rootlets with the view of gain 30 golds. lLKupSurovinu=Purchase lhLKupSurovinu=Purchases 30 clogs at the expense of 50 golds. lBKupSurovinu=Purchase lhBKupSurovinu=Purchases 30 bones at the expense of 50 golds. lTKupSurovinu=Purchase lhTKupSurovinu=Purchases 30 iron ingots at the expense of 50 golds. lEKupSurovinu=Purchase lhEKupSurovinu=Purchases 30 rootlets at the expense of 50 golds. lLektvar=Curative nostrum lhLektvar=*lhCurative nostrum ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE BUILDING build.dbf ;============================================================================ ;human lLRadnice=Town hall lLMalaFarma=Farmlet lLChatrc=Shanty lLhChatrc=In this building you can increase a possible number of living units and train another villains. lLChram=Temple lLhChram=Basic virtuous research center - you train Beholders here who explore enemy territory. If you have this building within the settlement, you can't have there a church. lLHospoda=Pub lLhHospoda=It is possible to hire another heros in the pub. lLKovarna=Smithy lLhKovarna=Smith can forge better weapons for your dog soldiers. lLTrziste=Market place lLhTrziste=It is possible to buy rings and amulets, who touch up your army in the market place. There is an exchange gold-wood market here too. You can use it also as a warehouse.. lLMlyn=Mill lLhMlyn=*lhUroda-Mlyn-L lLKostel=Church lLhKostel=Basic Christian research center to train here the monks who cure your army. If you build the church, you are not allowed to build a temple in this settlement. lLKasarna=Barracks lLhKasarna=This is a training center for new dog soldiers or knights. lLZbrojirna=Armoury lLhZbrojirna=A gunsmith can make your weapons more efficient. He forges shields and an armour. lLGrunt=Farm land lLGrunt=Farm land lLPristav=Port lLhPristav=You can construct smaller ships in the port. lLKatedrala=Cathedral lLhKatedrala=The place to train templars and inquisitors. lLHrad=Castle lLhHrad=Here you design the equippment and armour of a new army. lLKamennyDomek=Stone house lLhKamennyDomek=*lLhChatrc lLSpital=Hospital lLhSpital=Speeds up the regeneration of around standing units. lLBanka=Bank lLZlatyDul=Goldmine lLhZlatyDul=Enables to mine the gold. lLLodenice=Shipyard lLhLodenice=Enables to construct better ships. lLMagickaVez=Virtuous tower lLhMagickaVez=Virtuous tower is a lodge of wizards. The masters of occultism learn new magics here. lLManufaktura=Manufacture lLhManufaktura=Enables a production of wartime machines. lLPalac=Palace lLhPalac=The seat of a monarch himself. Here they plot plans for the whole kingdom. It is possible to train special invisible units - thiefs, or to bribe spies here. lLStrazniVez=Watchtower lLhStrazniVez=An important part of rampards from where you shoot arrows at your enemies. lLvez - kamen=Catapult tower lLvez - balista=Ballista tower lLvez - kanon=Cannon tower lLvez - fire_kanon=Fire tower lLUniverzita=University lLhUniverzita=There is better machinery invented in the university. Those are manufactured then. lLHrbitov=Cemetery lLhHrbitov=The cemetery is an important building for your heros. Because as far as the hero is killed in war, he can be reinkarnated here. But if there is no cemetery, he is definitely gone. lLSrub=Shanty lLhSrub=*lLhChatrc lLOltarBoziSily=Divine power altar lLhOltarBoziSily=Reinforces the units in its surroundings. lLPostavViceDomu=Build more houses ;barbarian lBVelitelskyStan=Imperious tent lBKrcma=Tavern lBhKrcma=You can hire other heros in the tavern. lBBazar=Bazaar lBhBazar=Here you can buy rings and amulets, which touch up your army. There is also a exchange gold-bones market here and can be used as a warehouse. lBKovarna=Smithy lBhKovarna=A barbarian smith can forge better weapons for your warriors. lBZbrojirna=Armoury lBhZbrojirna=A gunsmith can make your weapons more efficient, or forge your shields. lBObetiste=Sacrificatory lBhObetiste=The place to train medicine-men and teach them different magics. lBChram=Dark temple lBhChram=In the temple it is possible to invent other dark magics for medicine-men. lBCviciste=Exercising ground lBhCviciste=Here you can train another warriors. lBStan=Tent lBhStan=This building increases a possible number of living units and it is possible to train here another slaves. lBPostavViceDomu=Build more tents lBPalac=Palace lBhPalac=The seat of a cruel prince. lBTabor=Camp lBhTabor=Here you plan an equippment and armour for new army. lBHrbitov=Cemetery lBhHrbitov=You can obtain the death riders at the cemetery, plus it is very important for your heros. Because as far as the hero is killed in war, he can be reincarnated here. If you have no cemetery, no heros are resurrected. lBDulKostra=Dragonish skeleton lBZlatyDul=Goldmine lBhZlatyDul=Enables to mine the gold. lBPristav=Port lBhPristav=You can construct and improve your ships. lBStrazniVez=Snake's nest lBhStrazniVez=Lays up an egg here. The snake will be pecked out in a braking time to watch its surroundings. lBVez - sip=Watch tower lBhVez - sip=An important part of rampards from where you shoot arrows at your enemies. lBvez - kamen=Catapult tower lBTotemHruzy=Totem of horror lBhTotemHruzy=Intimidates and gets all enemies nearby weaken lBTotem zdravi=Totem of health lBhTotem zdravi=Speeds up regeneration of the nearby units ;dwarf lTRadnice=Town hall lTZemjanka=Dugout lThZemjanka=This building increases a possible number of living units and it is possible to train another miners here. lTJarmark=Fair lThJarmark=In the fair you can buy rings and amulets, that touch up your army. There is also an exchange gold-iron market here. You can also use this place as a warehouse. lTKovarna=Smithy lThKovarna=Dwarfish smith can forge the best armor for your men. lTZlatyDul=Goldmine lThZlatyDul=Enables to mine the gold. lTStrazniVez=Watchtower lThStrazniVez=An important part of rampards from where you shoot arrows at your enemies. lTPutyka=Barrelhouse lThPutyka=Here you can hire another heros. lTManufaktura=Manufacture lThManufaktura=Enables to produce wartime machines. lTKamennyDomek=Stone house lThKamennyDomek=*lThZemjanka lTPostavViceDomu=Build more houses lTLaborator=Laboratory lThLaborator=In the laboratory it is possible to train alchemists, it is also an inventory and innovatory center for a wartime machinery. lTKasarna=Barracks lThKasarna=Here you can train another skirmishers. lTZbrojirna=Armoury lThZbrojirna=A gunsmith can make your weapons more efficient, or he forges shields and better armor as well. You plan a new armor for your army here. lTPalac=Imperial palace lThPalac=Imperial palace is a boast of the entire dwarfish empire. Enables to build up pads for destructive missiles. lTHrbitov=Cemetery lThHrbitov=Cemetery is an important place for your heros. Because as far as the hero is killed, he can be resurrected here. But no cemetery means no recycled heros. lTVzducholod=Airship lThVzducholod=Builds a scaffolding, in which it is possible to construct the flying ship. Airship is an attacking ship able to bombard war-territories with destructive bombs. lTZeleznyDul=Iron mine lThZeleznyDul=Enables to exploit the iron. lTBalon=Air-balloon lThBalon=Builds up an air-balloon. You can use it merely as a reconnaissance unit, but can disclose even invisible units. lTPonorka=Submarine lThPonorka=Builds up a ship able to go and stay underwater. Using it you can e.g. transport your units. The submarine can be invisible. lTRaketa=Rocket lTVez - balista=Ballista tower lTvez - kanon=Cannon tower lTStojanOdRakety=Pad ;elf lERadaStarsich=Presbytery lEDomek=House lEDomek=House lEPostavViceDomu=Build more houses lESvatyneBojovniku=Fighters' sanctuary lEhSvatyneBojovniku=In the sanctuary you can train another hunters. lEKovarna=Smithy lEhKovarna=A smith can forge the best weapons for your hunters. lESkola=House of wisdom lEhSkola=Here your elfs learn wisdom and love for a native forest. They can castigate their arrows, armor, or learn how to poison their weapons here. lEBazar=Bazaar lEhBazar=Here it is possible to buy rings and amulets, that touch up your army. There is also an exchange gold-rootlets market. You can use it as a warehouse as well. lESkolaBojovychDruidu=School of martial druids lEhSkolaBojovychDruidu=Druids are generally peaceful wood wizards. They usually avoid to fight, but once the allien army enters their forests, they are immediately ready to fight with them. lEPristav=Port lEhPristav=In the port it is possible to build and castigate your ships. lEMagickaVez=Virtuous tower lEhMagickaVez=Virtuous tower is a seat of powerful witches. Right here they learn the magics. lECitadela=Citadel lEhCitadela=Citadel is the last straw of entire elf wisdom. There you can learn your druids how to domesticate dragons. lEPevnost=Fort lEhPevnost=In the fort you plan the armor of your hunters. lEHrbitov=Burial-ground lEhHrbitov=Here you can obtain a ghost, plus it is an important place for your heros - those who were killed, can be reincarnated here. But no cemetery means no recycled heros. lEZlatyDul=Goldmine lEhZlatyDul=Enables to extract the gold. lEDraciVejce=Dragonish egg lEhDraciVejce=Birth of a new dragon brings you an air force of extreme power. lEStrazniVez=Watch-tree lEhStrazniVez=The tree grown up, you shoot arrows at your enemies from it. lEvez - upgrade=Deep forest protector lEStradaniMany=Virtuous fountain lEhStradaniMany=Speeds up the regenration of manna for all units around. ;neutral lNRadnice=Town hall lNTrh=Market lNBrloh=Lair lNLaborator=Laboratory lNStan=Tent ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE UNITS person.dbf ;============================================================================ lDelnik=Worker lSluha=Villain lZoldak=Dog soldier lRytir=Knight lTemplar=Templar lMnich=Monk lCarodej=Wizard lInkvizitor=Inquisitor lZlodej=Thief lOtrok=Slave lValecnik=Warrior lSaman=Medicine-man lHornik=Miner lBitkar=Skirmisher lAlchymista=Alchemist lSberac=Collector lLovec=Hunter lCarodejka=Witch lDruid=Druid lKral=King lRadce=Counsellor lPrincezna=Princess lGeneral=General lBaronesa=Baroness lHrdina=Hero lZak=Pupil lKostlivec=Skeleton lKostlivec+mec=Bony tommy lKostlivec+luk=Bony bowman lKostlivec+kun=Death rider lKatapult=Catapult lVzducholod=Airship lVlk=Wolf lPavouk=Spider lDemon=Demon lKaravela=Sailboat lHlinenyGolem=Golem lDelo=Howitzer lDrak=Dragon lAndel=Angel lProkletyAndel=Cursed angel lEnt=Ent lPanPekel=Satan lKrava=Cow lKachnaDomaci=Duck lKachnaDivoka=Mallard lOrel=Eagle lBeholder=Beholder lPozorovaciBalon=Kite balloon lVosa=Wasp lMedved=Bear lLedovyGolem=Icy golem lElfskaGalera=Whiff lGaleasa=Boat lBalista=Ballista lZneviditelnovac=Masking generator lhZneviditelnovac=This unit emits a special influence in its surroundings and that makes your troops invisible. lPonorka=Submarine lVrtulnik=Helicopter lBirema=Float ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE NAME for Hero Hero.dbf ;============================================================================ lKorgan=Korgan lZorgon=Zorgon lKalligor=Kalligor lAxardena=Axardene lAndrej=Andrei lElsan=Elsan lOran=Oran lMirina=Mirina lTyboran=Tyboran lLotud=Lotud lDanGrud=DanGrud lRodriges=Rodriges lKriss=Kristiana lPulitr=Pulitr lOkiss=Okiss lElinera=Elinera lHurgin=Hurgin lPrachar=Duster lZirin=Zirin lFiliner=Filiner lSatyr=Satyr lOldin=Oldin lLoromir=Loromir lOrk=Ork lGwuen=Gwuen lMoren=Moren lHiren=Hiren lPeril=Andrei's lPrinc=Son lVyhnanec=Outlaw ;============================================================================ ; TRANSLATE REPORTS reports.dbf ;============================================================================ lJednotka napadena=Unit under attack. lHero napaden=Hero under attack. lNedostatek domu=We have few civilians houses. lDochazi dul=Our mine´s nearly empty. lDul dosel=Our mine has been emptied. lUpgrade dokoncen=Invention completed. lJednotka dokoncena=Unit trained. lBudova napadena=Settlement under attack. lBudova dokoncena=Building completed. lDelnik napaden=Workers under attack! lNeviditelny detekovan=Watch out! Invisible enemy. lNapadena radnice=Our town´s under heavy attack. lBudova znicena=The building's been destroyed. lNedostatek penez=We don´t have enough money. lLimitJednotekVycerpan=Unit´s limitation emptied ;============================================================================ ; tutorials ;============================================================================ lVidisLahvickuSElixirem=You see an amplullae of elixir. lVidisPeizeSbirejeBudouSeTiHodit=You see money. Pick it up you´ll need it soon. lNaselJsiPoprveKosti=You found a sceleton of the dragon, here your workers can minebones. lNaselJsiPoprveZlato=You found a reef, here, within the town hall, you can establish a goldmine. ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; CAMPAIGN ;============================================================================ ; ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; ; NEZ NEKDO ZACNE PREKLADAT KAMPAN mel by se nejdriv najit korektor ; jenz by po me precetl text, opravil carky ve vetach a jine chyby ; a trochu se zamyslel nad smysluplnosti vet. ; Upravy textu pak potrebuju, dostat. A take se nejak dohodnou kdy a ; co korektor predelava, aby jsme se v textu nehrabali oba. ; To bychom to taky ten textak tezko davali dohromady. (sicco) ; ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; EPISODE 0 ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ lEpozida0=&The Blood ; E0M1 - mapa ceka na otestovani, hral jsem ji a snad jde lMapaE0M1=&Rebellion lMapaE0M1_text= This legend came from a deep underground. In the mine full of barbarian slaves, who mined for their human slavers so much valuable commodity - gold. For their incredible power barbarians were ideal slaves, but slavers forgot one thing. Every single barbarian longed for his freedom, and it was only a matter of the time, when the Christians, how they call their slavers, will pay back for their inhuman acts. lOtrokar=Slaver lE0M1_Ukol1=Escape from the slavery. lE0M1_Ukol2=Korgan may not die. lTyp01_name=Mark the unit lTyp01_text=Mark your hero Korgan by moving your mouse cursor on him and press the left button. The unit marked, you'll see in your screen bottom its face, overall information and icons with commands. lTyp02_name=Automatic unit control lTyp02_text=Marked unit can be controlled even without using the icons. You use your mouse cursor as a pointer - to point the direction, enemy - and you press the right button. lTyp03_name=Controlling of multiple units lTyp03_text=Now, you can control multiple units. You mark them by continuous pressing the left mouse and dragging the cursor all over the area where are the units you'd like to mark. Once they are marked you stop pressing the button, the units are sorted according to experiences obtained. lTyp04_name=units' treatment lTyp04_text=Should you have a wounded unit, you recognize it according to its face, you can cure it by drinking a green amplullae. Enough to send the unit where the amplullae is. Clicking the right mouse button causes a yellow circle appearing under the cursor; that is a confirmative symbol of your command processed - means - to drink the amplullae. lTyp05_name=Money lTyp05_text=Should you see-if underfoot quid, may be collect. V ulterior mission with yours heroes will throw, because in one mission with make money transfer to the next mission. lTyp06_name=Grill opening lTyp06_text=You can open grills by sending an unit to the field with a button. Now you see the button directly in front of the grill, but sometimes the button of some grills can be pretty far from them. lTyp07_name=Time out lTyp07_text=During a battle you will need to pause the game from time to time, so you can command your units and go on fighting. You do this using a spacebar. lTyp08_name=Commands list display lTyp08_text=Should you have a better survey on your commands given, just press the button Tab. Thereby you'll see at every of your units the commands given - green lines mean a walk, red an attack, yellow a work and blue are magics. lTyp09_name=Poisoning lTyp09_text=Some units (e.g . spiders) are able to kill by poisoning. If the unit is hit poisoned, turns green and its lives are counted down while the poison's working. lE0M1txt001=If you don't obey, you' ll be whiplashed! lE0M1txt002=No! lE0M1txt003=Nobody shall boss me again! lE0M1txt004=Nobody and never! lE0M1txt005=You' ll pay back for everything. And not only you. All soldiers and all your people! lE0M1txt006=I, unenslaved warrior Korgan, appeal to all men, let's go tint our weapons with an enemy blood - the blood of those, who are burning our settlements out, hijacking our children and taking our women! lE0M1txt007=What have you done? We cannot join you. There are only a few of us and Christian's weapons are more powerful. lE0M1txt008= I, myself, have already plunged my dagger in a body of the Christian, not once, and drank their blood. I know for a fact that we can beat them - together! Should you be scared?! lE0M1txt009=You' re a lunatic, as far as you think we can escape from here. Nobody has ever tried to escape the slavery and survived it. lE0M1txt010=Your ancestors must turn in a grave hearing the words of such a coward-son. lE0M1txt011=I'm gonna kill you - eating your heart! lE0M1txt012=No! I'm gonna kill you and eat your your heart! lE0M1txt013=Any other coward here? lE0M1txt014=Thanks ...we have to run away quickly before the Christians are back. lE0M1txt015=Damn it, I am bleeding! lE0M1txt016=Hey! Let us go out.We'll help ya.. lE0M1txt017=Guards, one of the slaves ran away! lE0M1txt018=I swore to all dark godes to have my revenge and liberate all slaves. lE0M1txt019=Watchout, soldiers! lE0M1txt020=Sun, how long I haven't seen the sun. Slaver, you will pay me back for that! lE0M1txt021=Korgan, you led us against Christians and I say it was a good struggle. I am proud to have fought on your side, but what's next? lE0M1txt022=Yes,..what's next? I am not afraid of Christians nor death - but they are coming back. lE0M1txt023=Yes, we should run to the desert, Christians won't go there for sure. lE0M1txt024=You want to run away? To behave like a scared rat?? I never run off, I am man! lE0M1txt025=And what you wanna do? If we stay here...we'll be slaughtered like sheep! lE0M1txt026=Shut up!!! lE0M1txt027=Now, you go to sleep, next morning I'll tell you my plan. lE0M1txt028=Damn! What am I to do? lE0M1txt029=Surprised? lE0M1txt030=Who damn are you? ... Witch? lE0M1txt031=No... or at least not exactly. lE0M1txt032=Call me...possibly Axardene, but you wanted an advise, didn't you? lE0M1txt033=What does a witch know on the worries of a warrior! lE0M1txt034=For instance I know, that a king named Moren learnt about the rebellion of slaves a while ago and sent two dozens of his best knights to find and crucify them. lE0M1txt035=Why do you say me that? lE0M1txt036=For I need something from you. lE0M1txt037=So what? lE0M1txt038=Your son. lE0M1txt039=My son? I have none. lE0M1txt040=But once you'll have one and I want him! lE0M1txt041=Do you know the future? lE0M1txt042=No. Not all future - I know just a few prophecies. lE0M1txt043=The life of an offspring of royal blood is dedicated to me and I shall have him. lE0M1txt044=I am not a king... lE0M1txt045=And you wish to be? lE0M1txt046=Let's say, I trust what you say, what would you advise me? lE0M1txt047=You are alone and you can't do anything alone against Christians. lE0M1txt048=Up to the north from here there is a strong barbarian tribe. lE0M1txt049=I know, but the local king governances a dark force, they say, that he obsecrates dark gods. He doesn't care if we fight with Christians or not....he is a coward! lE0M1txt050=You see, go there and tell him. lE0M1txt051=But it would be an open offence, thereby I would call him out. lE0M1txt052=Correct. And what would happen according to your laws, if you beat him? lE0M1txt053=I would become a king instead, but he is nearly unbeatable, it would... lE0M1txt054=Korgan, as I've already told you, as far as you want to cooperate, let the thinking for me. lE0M1txt055=Or should you be scared too? Am I to say, you are an cowa... lE0M1txt056=Never say this word in relation to me! I am afraid of nothing, neither Christians, nor magics and gods!!! ; E0M2 - mapa ceka na otestovani, hral jsem ji a snad jde lMapaE0M2=Reu&nion lMapaE0M2_text= Korgan made slaves united, but his axe drank just a little of Christian's blood. He deadly longs for a vengeance, but he still doesn't have enough warriors to face a human king Moren with. And this was exactly the thing that Axardene knew when she offered him her help. She'll help him to reunite barbarian tribes, she'll assist him to knock down a human kingdom and she'll even make out of him a king, in return she wants nothing more but his son. Korgan doesn't care for the future, he girds at fate, blasphemes gods...so he closes devilish agreement with Axardene. lE0M2txt001=King, my name is Korgan and swore to gods to avenge our people for their slavery. That is why I challenge you - Lead us to the great struggle against Christians. lE0M2txt002=I'm not interested in your struggle nor Christians. I have no reason to fight with them. lE0M2txt003=What? You don't want to avenge our deads? Yesterday I was nothing but a slave, but tomorrow, tomorrow you and your people can be enslaved. Are you truly so indifferent, or you have fear of being overthrown? lE0M2txt004=Are you trying to offend me or what?? I know a magic more powerful than you can ever imagine, by a single eyewink I grind you like a bug. lE0M2txt005=You threat your own people, but you are not able to protect them. Then, according to our laws, I am calling you out! lE0M2txt006=I'll kill you like a dog! lDelnikOdneseZlato=I'll carry gold to the Town hall. lE0M2_Ukol1=Exploit at least 30 bones. lE0M2_Ukol2=Build a goldmine. lE0M2_Ukol3=Build an exercising ground. lE0M2_Ukol4=Train another warriors and drive out Christians. Destroy all their buildings. lTyp10_name=Bones mining lTyp10_text=Your workers can mine bones. Just mark a worker and send him to the dragonish skeleton. There are many bones in the barbarian settlement and you can mine only from the dragonish skeleton in the left part of the settlement. lTyp11_name=Advanced commands lTyp11_text=You can give instuctions to your units that will be executed successively. You give such commands by pressing the Shift key. lTyp12_name=Goldmine construction lTyp12_text=Goldmine can be built only at point where is a reef. Mark a worker, choose an icon (economic building construction) and choose a Goldmine construction. lTyp13_name=Gold mining lTyp13_text=Now you can start to mine gold. Mark your workers and send them to the goldmine. lTyp14_name=Cemetery function lTyp14_text=If a condition for the victory in the game is that one or more heroes may not die, it is safer to build a cemetery. A hero can be reincarnated only in the cemetery. You can found a cemetery at place of an imperious tent, but the building must be finished by workers. ; E0M3 - mapa ceka na otestovani, hral jsem ji a snad jde lMapaE0M3=&Slaves' price lMapaE0M3_text= Korgan fought down the knights of king Moren, but there are still many slaves. He realized very well that he would obtain new allies by setting them free. He knew where's the biggest slave market and also knew that mainly dwarfs are profitting from these slaves. Especially those dwarfs that appraise money more than honour. Korgan gathered all his men and they set out on a distant trip. Though Korgan didn't deal much with a justice like with a vengeance. lE0M3_Ukol1=Set all slaves free from dwarfish captivity. lTyp16_name=Bazaar purpose lTyp16_text=If your goldmine is too far, build up a bazaar around. There you can store gold and bones, but be careful about the positioning (the entrance must be closest to the goldmine). lTyp17_name=Unit armor lTyp17_text=Your men will learn to fight better if you build up a camp. Here you can design a new armor and equipment for new soldiers. In addition, barbarians, as the only race, are able to fight with both hands (using two weapons same time). lE0M3txt001=We are coming in piece. lE0M3txt002=What do you want dwarf? lE0M3txt003=My name is Duster and I would to like to prevent an useless slaughter. lE0M3txt004=Now you are afraid of our vengeance, but it's too late. You shall pay back for your acts. lE0M3txt005=Wait. Warrior like you must have many wishes, wishes that can hardly come true. I offer you the tercentenary gold for you saving our unimportant mercantile estate. lE0M3txt006=What?! You think you can buy m........ lE0M3txt007=Think about his offer once again. lE0M3txt008=Wait. Ok, I offer you five hundred. lE0M3txt009=I'll save your people. lE0M3txt010=You made a good decision. Here's thy reward. lE0M3txt011=Get ready for a struggle! We'll show them the slaves' price!. lE0M3txt012=Good, very good. lE0M3txtSaman=I nearly thought that I would die as a slave. How beautiful the freedom is. I'll ask demons for their favour. lTyp15_name=Sacrificatory construction lTyp15_text=Saved medicine-man will teach your workers to build a sacrificatory, where you can train another medicine-men. Medicine-man can call out skeletons and later on you can teach him other magics. E0M3ctxt001=Korgan, you bastard! I anticipated you never fulfill your promise given. E0M3ctxt002=Now you know - the barbarian soul is not for sale! E0M3ctxt003=Coward! E0M3ctxt004=To hell with him! Let's carry on! E0M3ctxt005=Or, we'll sail away. ; E0M4 - mapa ceka na navrzeni lMapaE0M4=&Cruel ocean lMapaE0M4_text= So Korgan reached the shores of an infinite water kingdom. Nothing could stop him - ocean either. Since he was driven by a hunger for vengeance. Enormous hunger for complete destruction of Christians. And Axardene exactly knew it, that is why she helped him to him. She showed to medicine-men the magics more powerful and darker. E0M4txt001=Sea..It is overwhelming to see its cruel waves being fragmented by cliffs. It reminds me the force and violence of my nation. E0M4txt002=And those cruel, wild waves are a key to humiliate Christians. E0M4txt003=I shall humiliate that cruelty. We'll cut down the trees, we'll build rafts, we'll sail across to slay Christians. We'll exterminate this bloody race from this world. E0M4txt004=It is not so easy, though you have a bigger number of warriors, Christians have unbeatable forts and towns. Skyscraping ramparts can't be broken by any of your great warriors. E0M4txt005=We'll force them starving, it'll be a long battle - but at the end we can expect the final victory. E0M4txt006=I'll help you, I'll teach you and your medicine-men how to read banned scrolls, I'll reveal only for you mysteries noone every dreamt about - you'll be control the power of hell itself. E0M4txt006b=We shall drown Christians in their blood. E0M4txt007=But Korgan. Keep in your mind what's mine. Your offspring... E0M4txt008=Yes. But now show the magics. E0M4txt009=Listen Korgan, I am gonna invoke dark creatures to this world. Their power is to help you to beat Christians. lE0M4_Ukol1=Transport Korgan to the human kingdom E0M4txt010=Korgan must be transported across the ocean. E0M4txtAxardenaPrivolalaDemona=Axardene has just invoked another demon ; E0M5 - mapa je navrzena, ale je nutne ji upravit, to samy script lMapaE0M5=Real &hell lMapaE0M5_text= Barbarians frantically plunder the human kingdom, Korgan's hunger for vengeance may be neverending, but well-fortified Christian castles are still resisting the barbarian superiority. Axardene helps Korgan again and teach his medicine-men dark magics. Now barbarians unleashed the very helly in the Christian land. E0M5txt001=I'll reveal you the power of Christians. E0M5txt002=I'll burn them to a dust! E0M5txt003=No, you must not. You have to... E0M5txt004=No more bans, I tell you...my axe is still thirsty for the enemy blood. E0M5txt005=Listen! You mustn't burn out the towns. You must seize and subjugate them. E0M5txt006=Korgan wants to avenge his brothers! E0M5txt007=Our agreement sounds different. I shall help you to fight Christians but you have to obey me. E0M5txt008=Or you'll die. E0M5txt009=Bloody witch! I'd rather kill her! lE0M5_Ukol1=Teach your hero a General talent. lE0M5_Ukol2=Occupy all three enemy town halls. lE0M5_Ukol3=Town hall are not allowed to be destroyed. lE0M5_Ukol4=Korgan may not die. lRadniceBylaZnicena=The Town-hall has been destroyed ; E0- epilog E0M5ctxt001=How sweet is the vengeance and how sweet is the taste of enemy blood. No, I shall not stop until all human towns will be burnt down and all towns and races of the world subdued. In the end I'll rule the entire world, entire. E0M5ctxt002=Brilliant speech - I must admit - but our agreement only dealt with a defeat of Christians. E0M5ctxt003=I'll conquer the world with or without you. I don't need you! You hear? Get off!!! E0M5ctxt004=Keep in your mind, that you've beaten Christians only thanks to my help. You'd have been nothing but a greasy patch on slavers' shoes. E0M5ctxt005=I don't want to listen to this bullshit. Guards, capture her! E0M5ctxt006=No, you bastard. E0M5ctxt007=Remember, barbarians free people now. Only we can control our lives and I, I'll rule the world. E0M5ctxt008=You are nothing without me! Do you hear?!! Without me you can't defend a stinky dung-card, without me you can't a conquer your neighbor's pigeon loft - you are nothing!!! Curse on you!!! ! E0M5ctxt009=I have no fear of you, neither magics nor dark gods. lMapaE0M6=Korgan's victory lMapaE0M6_text= Yes, why should Korgan be advised by Axardene? Well, it was he who escaped from slavery, he,himself, got barbarians united and he is the one who leads them to the war against Christians. No, it is not worth one good warrior to obey woman's councils. He was so much sure with his victory, but he didn't kill Axardene. He threw her chained to the prison, from where she could never escape and her magics are useless. Perhaps she's mistaken her judgement on Korgan, but the fate determined her an offspring of royal blood and the legend just starts to be written... ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; EPISODE 1 ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ lEpozida1=The &Outlaw ; E1M1 - mapa ceka na otestovani, hral jsem ji, ale jeste ji par testerum ukazu lMapaE1M1=&Disembarkment lMapaE1M1_text= While barbarians are plundering the country, somewhere long way southwards a gallery landed, a gallery that brought the man who was to change everything. Yes, at that time young king Andrei accompanied by his teacher Oran, were escaping from his native country. He had spent a long time sailing an infinite sea until his ship touched shores of the country occupied meantime by barbarians. lE1M1_Ukol1=Watch around. lE1M1_Ukol2=Oran mustn't die. lE1M1_Ukol3=Destroy the imperious barbarian tent. lE1M1_Ukol4=Oran and Andrei mustn't die. lE1M1_Ukol5=Destroy a monster in the forest. E1M1txt001=Land, sir, land. At last. E1M1txt002=Yes, Oran, Thanks God. Well, let's land there. Give small craft on the water. E1M1txt003=Sir, we may be aware.We know nothing on this land. Perhaps there ... E1M1txt004=Yes, you're right. Take eight men and go explore the territory. Most of all we need to refill our reserves of drinkable water, without it, we can't do anything. Try to too find some food. Seek animals' traces. E1M1txt005=Yes, sir. E1M1txt006=And Oran ... Good Luck! E1M1txt007=Thank you, thank you very much, my lord.. We have been suffering so long under barbarians and nobody, nobody has ever been able to face them. Neither our smith, though he is a man of brave heart and quite pig-headed fellow. For instance, it happened once... E1M1txt008=Hey, calm down, man - step by step. Who you are? And why we've been attacked? E1M1txt009=You must be from a very far country, my lord, if you don't know, that barbarian medicine-man, Korgan they call him, has been fighting with our king Moren for 7 years. Once barbarians lived in mountains and we didn't care for them. But since Korgan came down from mountains, he and his barbarian hordes have been devastating our country and nobody is able to stop them. My lord, please, lead us fighting against barbarians to help our good king Moren. Please, don't leave....unless you leave with your soldiers, barbarians will come here again to have their vengeance fulfilled. We can't fight, we aren't but farmers, but we' ll learn it! Dear sir, help us...and help us keep our children alive. E1M1txt010=Enough. You think it is easy to face barbarian hordes?... Go now, we need to confer on this. E1M1txt011=Sir, we cannot sail away, we have reserves barely for a week, apart from the fact that our ship is pretty damaged. E1M1txt012=I know, Oran ... I know. All right then, let's stay, gods know that we have no other choice. E1M1txt013=Sir, sir... There is a huge monster in the forest. It has attacked our wood-cutters. E1M1ctxt001=Sir, it is necessary to go up north, where lays the kingdom of king Moren. If we stay together we might have chance against infinite barbarian raids. E1M1ctxt002=Yes, Oran, hurry up on journey, but it would be an imprudent decision to leave a liberated country without sight. I must elect a governor to keep this territory free during my absence. Oran...you are elected! E1M1ctxt003=Sir, I've always standed by your side and I feel my duty to accompany you ... E1M1ctxt004=Oran! Believe me, that I have nobody who I can trust more than you and who is such experienced man as you are. But I can't afford to loose a freedomized country. Believe, that I need you exactly here! E1M1ctxt005=I shall execute all your commands, sir. I beg your pardon, but may I send my two sons, Rodrigo and Lotude with you? They are trained according to the knigh promise and are fully able to subsitute me. E1M1ctxt006=All right. I believe they will be good helpers like their father. E1M1ctxt007=Certainly, they will ... Gods be with you, Sir. ; E1M2 - mapa ceka na otestovani, trochu jsem ji hral, mozna je moc tezka. Musim videt nejakuho testera jak ji hraje lMapaE1M2=Swamp of &pain lMapaE1M2_text= Andrei with Lotude and Rodrigo are heading north to meet king Moren. If they stay together they might withstand infinite barbarian raids - recently more often, more cruel and more poweful. lE1M2_Ukol1=Get Andrei to the palaces of king Moren. lE1M2_Ukol2=Andrei, Rodrigo, Lotud and Tyboran must stay alive. lE1M2_Ukol3=Save a group of monks from wolfs lE1M2_text1=Andrei's got in the palace of king Moren lE1M2_text2=Only Andrei has to get in the palace of king Moren lTyp25_name=Build up a church lTyp25_text=Saved monks express their thanks and suggest you, with a help of your workers, to build a church in the village. There you can another monks. E1M2ctxt001=We're under attack! Take a defense! E1M2txt001=Who am I to be gratefull for an unexpected help? E1M2txt002=My name's Tyboran, I used to be a nobleman once, I ruled several towns, but barbarians destroy everything - my country, people and..family. But I am not hiding like a rabbit king Moren behind the ramparts of north. E1M2txt003=Instead I carry on leading my loyal people into battles. Having a lack of men to attack directly the major settlements of barbarians, we attack their supply caravans and support. E1M2txt004=Thank you once again. Men like you are exactly what this country needs. You have exceptional leader's skills. I would welcome indeed, if you fought by my side for the freedom of this poor country. E1M2txt005=Enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine. Let gods lead us in our justice struggle. E1M2txt006=For goodness' sake, help! My brothers have been assaulted by a wolf leash. For goodness' sake! ; E1M3 - tahle mapa je vfunkcni, ale vubec se mi nelibi, je moc dlouha a nevim co s ni udelat lMapaE1M3=&Janitta E1M3ctxt001=His Majesty, I salut you. E1M3ctxt002=I salut you too Andrei. Legends about your famous victories spread quickly. And I shouldn't be far from truth if I say that your name evokes in barbarian lines panic fear. E1M3ctxt003=Thank you, but it is premature to talk about victories when enemy still has superiority. I think, it is necessary to stay together against ba... E1M3ctxt004=I can't. E1M3ctxt005=What? E1M3ctxt006=I can't, Andrei, I am in serious trouble. The day before yesterday, my only daughter Janitta was kidnapped by Korgan. He promised not to hurt her, if I give him my towns without resistance. Unfortunately these towns are a key of the gate up to the north...then nobody can stop barbarians. E1M3ctxt007=Further these are the towns with advanced industry and nobody can imagine what happens when barbarians will be able to navigate, use heavy armor and other weapons...this has been our only advantage...until now. E1M3ctxt008=And you are going to give that advantage up? E1M3ctxt009=I can't kill my daughter, my blood... Save her, for loves godly, save her, Andrei. I know, she's arrested. Korgan gave me a week to think about it - if you succeed in saving her, I swear, I will do everything you want me to do. If it be to the contrary ... I cannot act otherwise. E1M3ctxt010=I'll try... lMapaE1M3_text= Barbarian warrior Korgan keeps princess Janitta prisoner in one of his dark temples. Just a few people have ever left that temple alive. But it must be the fate that young king Andrei decided to save Janitta. lE1M3_Ukol1=Find princess Janitta. lE1M3_Ukol2=Andrei and Oran must stay alive. E1M3txt001=I'm alchemist, I'm gonna help ya. I know to cook a right meducine. ; E1M4 - mapa ceka na otestovani, nehral jsem ji a ani jsem nikoho ji hrat nevidel lMapaE1M4=&Show-down lMapaE1M4_text= Many barbarians died, many were expulsed, but Korgan, barbarian medicine-man, is still strong enough to destroy king Andrei and king Moren. It is absolutely necessary to unite all forces and ward off a thread of barbarian raids once for always. E1M4txt001=Here in the east the barbarian incursions had commenced. I terrible underestimated them, taking them for being random … how mislead I was. Look at the land now. Where once used to be palaces, there are ruins today, where once used to flourish business, there they only steal today. E1M4txt002=I share your sorrow, but we are coming to change it all and to reverse it. E1M4txt003=You are right, Andrei. It is time to return peace, freedom and order to this country. lE1M4_Ukol1=Drive out barbarians. lE1M4_Ukol2=Andrei, Oran, Rodrigo and Lotud must stay alive. E1M4ctxt001=Sir, barbarian defence has been eliminated. We have discovered several iron mines in the town outskirts, it is obvious, that this was the place from where barbarians had financed all campaigns. Former settlers were abused as slave-miners who were imprisoned in a gigantic prison nearby. Iron-mining in such conditions stood for unbelievable casualties. One slave... ho-bum, I mean a she-slave, would like to talk to you. E1M4ctxt002=All right, bring her in. E1M4ctxt003=Well, what do you want from me?. E1M4ctxt004=My name's Kristiana, during the reign of king Moren my father managed the town and surrounding mines, and if king had listened to his warning that barbarians were making preparations for war, my father would have not died. May I know thy name? I don't remember that you served under Moren before. E1M4ctxt005=My name is Andrei and I disserve for Moren, but I fight with him together against barbarians. E1M4ctxt006=I would like to join the courtyard of king Moren, where my father had profitted of ruler's favour. I am going to be raised back to nobility there and get back our property...I hope. E1M4ctxt007=Well, good ... respecting only this, I'll arrange it. E1M4ctxt008=Thank you. E1M4ctxt009=Nearly half of mines has been flooded or soilfilled. People have no shelters, no food. When barbarians drew off, they left behind literally a blow-out land. E1M4ctxt010=Hell! Namely we must run into this now. We need those mines, we need money. Army is a too expensive fun. E1M4ctxt011=Other report says, that people are trying to leave the town. They are scared of the return of barbarians and they flee as far as possible from war borders. So we can't count on the working force either. E1M4ctxt012=They run away ... like that bigheaded frog. Have you heard her? ... King Morgan will raise me back to nobility. What damn was her name ... Kristiana. E1M4ctxt013=I remember her father, he was an outstanding man and exceptionally good merchant. People would have followed him to hell, if he had wished so. E1M4ctxt014=We might use it. Blood isn't water. We would return Kristiana her noble title. Town and mines would become her official estate, and she would have to toll a regular tribute from it. She would speak to people like a new ruler and they could hope in return of old gold times like under her father. But to hold control over her reign, we will have to leave here our delegate and a part of army just in case of a sudden barbarian attack. E1M4ctxt015=Hmmm ... interesting proposal. Well, Lotude, you'll stay here and keep an eye on everything. E1M4ctxt016=But, sir, I ... E1M4ctxt017=I rely on you..let you not dissapoint me. It was a great idea. Call that jade, ee, I mean, call baroness Kristiana. ; E1M5 - mapa ceka na otestovani, nehral jsem ji a ani jsem nikoho ji hrat nevidel (mozna je trochu nudna) lMapaE1M5=&Time of death lMapaE1M5_text= All towns have been set free, barbarians were repulsed back to desert mountains, but their leader still resides in his dark palace. Korgan's refused to admit Andrei's victory, he laughs at fate and blaspheme gods. So king Andrei, and his teacher Oran with his eldest son Rodrigo have decide to take a company of well-trained soldiers and go towards the palace of pain and death. lE1M5_Ukol1=Kill Korgan. lE1M5_Ukol2=Andrei, Oran and Rodrigo may not die. E1M5txt001=Go on, I'll hold them back. E1M5txt002=Father, I won't leave you here. E1M5txt003=Rodrigo! Did you misunderstand? E1M5txt004=Let's go, quickly... E1M5txt005=Finally. E1M5txt006=Nooooo!!! E1M5txt007=We must carry on. lE1M5_Ukol3=Oran sacrificed himself, go further, find and kill Korgan. lE1M5_Ukol4=Andrei and Rodrigo may not die. E1M5txt008=Please, kill me! E1M5txt009=This is the end of barbarians. ; E0- epilog lMapaE1M6=Andrei's victory lMapaE1M6_text= Korgan has been defeated, rest of barbarians returned eastwards to the desert mountains. Oran died - for his king Andrei and his son, Rodrigo heavily bears father's death; his father's body has been clawed to pieces by the living dead - zombies. Axardene was set free soona after Korgan's deaths and now she's spinning another intrigues. Andrei has become a king of southern (liberated) part of the human kingdom. Both human kingdoms have laid off, the war's ended and people trust in peace. ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; EPISODE 2 ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ lEpozida2=The &Betrayal ; E2M1 - mapa ceka na otestovani, nehral jsem ji a ani jsem nikoho ji hrat nevidel (mozna je trochu nudna) lMapaE2M1=&Prison lMapaE2M1_text= Baroness Kristiana inherited a noble title after her father. She also inherited good skills how to manage the town Ran'tgar, inclusive adjacent mines. Commons talk about a sort of "emotional rapprochement" between knight Lotudo and Kristina and there are even words on the possible marriage of Andrei and princess Janitta, but it may be just a gossip - who knows. The fact is that the town of Ran'tgar is a main resource of mineral commodity and Moren's kingdom's lost this source. So king Moren called together a special council. lMapaE2M1_Radce=Adviser E2M1ctxt001=No! Under no circumstances we can afford to buy mineral commodity. E2M1ctxt002=But our own resources run short, there is not a work in manufacture already. E2M1ctxt003=And what about receiving supplies of iron from northern dwarfs? Their ore is much better. E2M1ctxt004=Yes, their ore is much better, but much expensive too. E2M1ctxt005=Shouldn't we speak with baroness Kristiana? As far as I know, she's the one who manages all town inclusive adjacent mines. Withal, that was myself, who gave her father hereditary noble title. E2M1ctxt006=But she was set free by king Andrei. He's handed her back the title and rule and today she can't do anything without his permission. From aside thereon, hearsy about her certain "emotional partiality" to knight Lotudovi, namely he is Andrei's man. E2M1ctxt007=Good, we'll impose duty on all supply from Andrei's kingdom. We'll be able to finance our purchase of commodities from that resource. E2M1ctxt008=And Andrei will respond increasing the prices for warehousing for our merchants. Gentlemen, this looks like a tariff war and soon turn into a civil war! E2M1ctxt009=What are we going to do then? E2M1ctxt010=There is one possibility how to precede all conflicts - realize a marriage of princess Janitta with Andrei. Thereby we'll attain the unification of the country and ... E2M1ctxt011=Ha!!! And king Andrei will obtain princess and a half kingdom hereto. But why damn my half kingdom?!? As if it wasn't enough that he got all ex-barbarian territories. And this entire country used to belong to me once! Heed on tongue everybody, you're talking here about my daughter! ... E2M1ctxt012=And at all, I am sick of your councils. Everyone out! E2M1ctxt013=I have to look after it myself..again. lMapaE2M1_text1= King Moren looked after it indeed. He chose a group of his best men and captured unaware Andrei and set him imprisoned. Then he explained Andrei's disappearance like an unexpected attack of a barbarian tribes. So suddenly there was only one king; king Moren. And he would have finished his plans succesfully, if Axardene hadn't reappeared on stage... lE2M1_Ukol1=Escape from the prison. lE2M1_Ukol2=Andrei mustn't die. E2M1txt001=Moren must have betrayed me. But why? Oh, My goodness. E2M1txt002=I know who you are. E2M1txt003=And I know what annoys you. E2M1txt004=Don't be scared, my name is Axardene. And I am willing to help you against Moren. E2M1txt005=Why!?! E2M1txt006=Well, to the point. When Moren is defeated and you'll become the only human king, I want you to help me to get the crystal Weneris. E2M1txt007=Weneris? What is it? E2M1txt008=Aah, you human beings, how narrow-minded troubles you have. You aren't intersted but in being gutful, having a beer tankard and a tramp to give you a pleasure. E2M1txt009=But you, people, completely ignore the art of knowledge and the history of own nation. Weneris is a virtuous crystal of a power. Anyone who has it and is capable to use it, will obtain an incredible power. E2M1txt010=And why are you so sure that I am going to defeat Moren? E2M1txt011=Your victory was predicted long time ago, withal I see it all in your eyes. So much you - people - are transparent. It might be cause by your short lifetime. E2M1txt012=I still don't understand...why you can't get that crystal yourself? Wherefore do you need myself? Is it so difficult to get it? Why? Who guards it? E2M1txt013=Weneris had been mined and scabbled by dwarfs once upon a time. Only dwarfs can produce such precious stones. Today the crystal is a part of the altar in the temple of 'Three'. Local monkhood can't use its potential, but we would... E2M1txt014=And nevertheless you need us - poor, transparent mortals, that are intersted only if they have a full of paunch, a beer and a girl for tonight to get that omnipotent stone? E2M1txt015=Telling the truth, I must admit, there are things, that we are not allowed to do, we don't understand you, humans, doing them, but at the same time we admire you doing them. However my question sounds: Do you wish my help? Do you wish your vengeance - to get back your honour and good name? E2M1txt016=Yes ... I do wish. I want to humiliate Moren, he must pay back for his betrayal. And my honour ... is more important than my life. Here's my hand! E2M1txt017=I believe you without shaking hands. E2M1txt018=Hey, where damn are you - you've just promised to set me free ... E2M1txt019= E2M1txt020=Janitta, is it you? E2M1txt021=Yes and I'm sorry for my father's acts, though I know, that what he's done is unforgivable. However my feelings say me to help you, even though it was against will of my father. But now, I have to go and you run. Save yourself, Andrei. E2M1txt022=Oh, Sir, is that you? My goodness, I confess, I didn't believe those... inhumans, that you were alive, but you are really here - and alive! E2M1txt023=Lotude, thanks God. E2M1txt024=They told us, that you had been killed by a gang of wandering barbarians. E2M1txt025=No...it is far worse than dead. Betrayal, Lotude, betrayal!!! E2M1txt026=Who betrayed you, Sir? Who? I'll avenge myself that cowardly infamy! E2M1txt027=The vengeance will not be so simple, as the traitor is ...king Moren! But we'll go through it later, now, hurry up from here. E2M1txt028=Yes, Sir, we are going to the territory of baroness Kristiana, there we'll be safe. E2M1txt029=But remember your promise. E2M1txt030=Kill him! He's a Christian! E2M1txt031=I know who you are and am offering my help in an escape. E2M1txt032=Hey, release us. We'll join you! E2M1txt033=Hey, release us. We'll help ya! ; E2M2 - mapa ceka na otestovani, nehral jsem ji a ani jsem nikoho ji hrat nevidel (snad by sla} lMapaE2M2=&Awakening lMapaE2M2_text=Andrei really got out of the prison thanks to Axardene. Actually thanks to Janitta as well. Janitta was not indefferent to him, he's already pledged his word to Axardene. King's word - he can never break it. Now he and Lotude are coming back to the town Rantgar where, under the protection of baroness Kristiana, they'll be safe. E2M2txt001=You say, the whole army was disembodied? A what about Tyboran's elite units? E2M2txt002=They are chasing the last looting barbarian groups. We thought for ourselves that one of those had killed you. E2M2txt003=And your brother Rodrigo? E2M2txt004=He still can't face the fact that our father's dead. It was a huge stroke for him. When I saw him last he was willing to become a monk. E2M2txt005=So what's at my disposal now? E2M2txt006=I and my company shall always stand by your side. E2M2txt007=I never forget who saved me from the barbarian captivity. My town is fully at your service. E2M2txt008=I didn't forget my promise either. E2M2txt009=Stop fighting! To be sure it is king Andrei! Stop fighting! E2M2txt010=Excellent, I'll teach you how to build a virtuous tower and to train wizards. E2M2ctxt001=Sir...you? And alive? They told me that the town is occupied by a final group of looting barbarians. E2M2ctxt001b=Sir...you? And alive? They told me that the town was occupied by a final group of looting barbarians. E2M2ctxt002=Thanks, Tyboran, glad to see you again. lE2M2_Ukol1=Occupy all towns. lE2M2_Ukol2=No town hall is allowed to be destroyed. lE2M2_Ukol3=Andrei, Lotud mustn't die. E2M3ctxt001=Curse on her!!! I curse the bitch who's stood up against me!!! Curse on her!!! E2M3ctxt002=I curse her!!! Do you hear me, gods??? I damn curse her!!! ; E2M3 - hotovo, jakz takz otestovany, myslim, ze to je i docela zabavny, alespon testerovi(Mladymu) se to docela libilo lMapaE2M3=Bloody &curse lMapaE2M3_text1= King Moren hasn't been informed long time on the situation given, as ministers were afraid of his anger. But when he found out, that Andrei ran away and now he's rousing people against him, he raged. All the time it was true that Kristiana is on the side of Andrei, and that the country of Moren suffers again from the lack of commodities like before, so that is why his anger got huge. lMapaE2M3_text= The other day Kristiana experienced an unpleasant awakening. Firts she was not at her chamber, second - she was in a musty cave instead. E2M3txt021=For God's sake! E2M3txtLupic=Robber E2M3txt001=See...who's here. E2M3txt002=What, what do you want from me? E2M3txt003=Don't know yet, what you've got lady? E2M3txt004=I have nothing useful for you. E2M3txt005=Well..then we gonna take ya, mylady. There is lotta folks ready to pay good for a she-slave. E2M3txt006=Hey, look at 'er....it looks like our little noble lady's getting frighten. E2M3txt007=What? It is you? Say why am I here? A what did they do to me? E2M3txt008=To tell true...I guess I don't know. And to be sincere...I don't carre. I have other plans here. E2M3txt009=You are a witch, you should know. E2M3txt010=I've got a work here. E2M3txt011=I'll help you. Yet there is something I can offer you. E2M3txt012=Maybe... I think you've been cursed for some reason. The curse that's pushing in you other personality. The curse that longs for other people's blood. But is it only my estimation. E2M3txt013=Is it possible to break this curse down somehow? E2M3txt014=I can find out, but what will you give me for it? E2M3txt015=What do you want? E2M3txt016=There are Christians building a cathedral on the opposite hill, it's gonna be finished soon. It is in my politics to fail this construction...at least for five days. E2M3txt017=I don't know...how? E2M3txt018=So you want to help me or not?! E2M3txt019=Yes, but... E2M3txt020=However you'll find out something. lE2M3_Ukol1=Find out what happened to Kristiana. lE2M3_Ukol2=Kristiana mustn't die lE2M3_Ukol3=Forestall the cathedral's construction at least for 5 days. E2M3_CitisDelnika=You feel a presence of another worker. E2M3_CitisVojaka=You feel a presence of a soldier. lTyp40_name=Mind-control lTyp40_text=Kristiana has revealed a special ability in herself. She can gain a control of other unit, but manna that she needs for this magic can be obtained only by killing a humanoid. lKatedralaJeDostavena=The cathedral has been completed. You are a looser. E2M3c2txt001=Great, it seams to me that the prophecy's coming true. E2M3c2txt002=So tell me...why have I been cursed? E2M3c2txt003=As I have already told you - the curse pushes an alien personality in you. The curse's been made by someone very, very angry, who even may not have had virtuous skills. For sure it must have been somebody who hated you very much. It's the only explanation of your second vampire personality and your related blood-thirst. E2M3c2txt004=What? Vampire personality? E2M3c2txt005=You can try to manage this dark side of yourself, but it is generally all what you can do abou that. E2M3c2txt006=Any possibility to bread down the curse? E2M3c2txt007=No way. E2M3c2txt008=What? E2M3c2txt009=It is too late, for YOU have already tasted the blood. E2M3c2txt010=But it was you who told me to forestall the cathedral construction. I had to spill their blood. E2M3c2txt011=Yes. We had an agreement and you have fulfilled it from your part and and I told you all on your curse. And it was well done - team work - your power and my skills. We could ... E2M3c2txt012=I don't want to! E2M3c2txt013=You don't know what I am offering you. Immortality and the power you haven't dreamt about. Well? Do you hear what I am offering you? What can you do without me? You drink a human blood, all people would contemn you, you are a monster. What can you do - alone and lonesome? E2M3c2txt014=I told you to get off!! And hope I'll never meet you again!!! E2M3c2txt015=Ha! You'll stay alone with your cruel fate. ; E2M4 - work construction (temer hotova, akorat tam chybi par dodelavek) lMapaE2M4=&Revenge lMapaE2M4_text= One day Andrei was visited by an old friend. E2M4txt001=I haven't seem you, Sir, for a long time. Weird rumours on your death were spreading all over the country. E2M4txt002=I dare say you wouldn't trust a gossip, glad to see you, dear friend. But what happened to you, I've heard you had entered the holy order. E2M4txt003=It is so, Sir, I looked through and just my faith showed me the right way. I entered the orderr. Unfortunately the monastery piece is past and I come to your place in the name of my brothers to ask for your help. E2M4txt004=What happened? Whatever I am able to do for you, I shall do. E2M4txt005=Our monastery, Sir, is still on the other side of the border and Moren's being furious outthere. First he forced our order to fight against you, you know for a fact, that we are not allowed to kill anybody as our holy decalogue states 'You shan't manslaughter'. When Moren found out that he couldn't expect any help from us, he commenced to co-operate with northern dwarf empire. Yes, you hear well, you may have a new enemy, because the dwarf emperor and Moren closed an agreement. Moren caters dwarfs, as they can hardly plant corn in the north and in return dwarfs send their warriors to the front. Maybe a week ago there was a first dwarfish commando arriving in our monastery, where - in the name of king Moren - were supposed to settle down. E2M4txt006=It is hard for me to believe that... E2M4txt007=You can't imagine what those pagans are able to committ... Andrei, in the name of our order, I ask you again - save our monastery. E2M4txt008=I'll help you, my friend. lE2M4_Ukol1=Kill all knights of king Moren. lE2M4_Ukol2=Help Rodrigo to save the monastery. lE2M4_Ukol3=Kidnap Janitta. lE2M4_dopis1=Andrei, lE2M4_dopis2=you might try to answer the question, why I help you to escape and be aware, that I would have liked to answer all your questions before, lE2M4_dopis3= but I could not. My father is very suspicious and until the one responsible for you escape gets revealed. Nevertheless I have to write down, that I don't share father's lE2M4_dopis4=hunger for power and I don't think that all his acts have been right. In any case he is my father and I, being his daughter, simply can't go against him. I know, that lE2M4_dopis5= a good man and you work for the kingdom. When I saw you at the time, it was immediately clear to me that you would save this country. And lE2M4_dopis6= when you retrieved me from barbarian hands, I felt something, something I had never felt to any man before. I know, I shouldn't speak like this and I told myself hundredtimes lE2M4_dopis7= - not to write this down, but it's my heart driving my hand to write it. Once I thought that love is something beautiful, lE2M4_dopis8= noble, but I am ashamed for this feeling. Wherever I go, whatever I do, whenever I fall asleep, I cannot stop thinking of you. lE2M4_dopis9= My father caused the whole thing, however he isn't bad for real, ... he is just different, please, forgive him, if you still can. Perhaps I seem to be childish, the kingdom lE2M4_dopis10= is split, civil war rages and I, despite of all, all the time trust in peace. Be likely naive waiting till this all is going to be finished and we'll meet lE2M4_dopis11= again. But meanwhile it seems to me that gods are against our love.
Janitta lE2M4_KlasterZachranen=The Monastery saved. ; E2M5 - future construction interier - hrad (velka chodici mapa s 1 Herem, zatim se ji vyhejbam, je casove narocny vkusne zaplnit interierove mapy) lMapaE2M5=&Moren's death lMapaE2M5_text=Moren's palace under siege. But a second before Andrei's troops burst into the palace, something had happened, something that nobody had expected. Namely Andrei was not the only one harmed by Moren. lTyp41_name=Turn invisible lTyp41_text=Kristiana's discovered another very special ability about herself. She can turn invisible temporarily. She can be seen by an unit-observant anyway. E2M5txt001=Finally, I've been waiting so long - the hour of vengeance has come!!! E2M5txt002=Thanks for a rescue. E2M5txt003=I've been commanded by king Moren, that noone is to enter! lE2M5_Ukol1=Find king Moren. lE2M5_Ukol2=Kristiana mustn't die. lE2M5_VyhralJsi=Kristiana's found king Moren ... E2M5ctxt001=Who is it? E2M5ctxt002=You don't recognize me? E2M5ctxt003=Who you are? Guards!!! E2M5ctxt004=... indeed soo, you considered me so much important at the time. Or was it my people, my estate, or mines perhaps so much important for you? E2M5ctxt005=Baronesse Kristiana ... it ... it is nice to see you,er... huh...er, they said you died. E2M5ctxt006=Just a little, but hereat I am here, you know? E2M5ctxt007=What? E2M5ctxt008=I came to express my deepest thanks. ; E2-epilog - future construction interier - Chram kde se skryva Weneris (je casove narocny vkusne zaplnit interierove mapy) lMapaE2M5c=&Moren's death lMapaE2M5c_text= Andrei became the only king of human empire. Everything, he ever dreamt about, came true, he defeated Moren (though not the way he might wish to) and he came to his rule with a full assistance of his faithfuls. Only Axardene disappered somewhere in a hurry-scurry. Beautiful Janitta took a seat by Andrei's side and gave him two children later on. Chroniclers mentioned Andrei's reign like a period of bloom and wealth. Happy days, don't you think? E2M5c2txt001=All the time same Andrein, restive, uncompromising, but allways himself. E2M5c2txt002=All the time same Axardene, heartless, inhuman and here again. I haven´t seen you for long time, I guess... it must be 15 years. If I remember well, you disappeared without saying good bye at least. I had really worries about you. E2M5c2txt003=Well, from my point of view, I just jumped away for a while. Please, accept then my late congratulations to your coronation. I know it´s a long time agon, for you, humans, but better late congratulations than none. E2M5c2txt004=Axardene, cut it off, what do you want? E2M5c2txt005=Weneris! E2M5c2txt006=I hoped you forgot that dwarfish stone and discovered something of real value for you. E2M5c2txt007=Real value ... tell me something about it. E2M5c2txt008=As far as I know, elfs smell flowers, pray, so that pinetrees have longer pine cones. Elfs als cut beetles´ heads. So I would expect from you something in that way. E2M5c2txt009=You must know who I am. While ordinary elfs are afraid of nature equilibrity, I and the people of my kind are simply beyond such ground problems. We want---we have to improve our world knowledge!!! And it is not for the reason that we are warriors that just have defeated another shithole. The reason is that we are biologically better than your race...it is our right!!! E2M5c2txt010=OK, I´ll go with you for Weneris, or should I ... E2M5c2txt011=I don´t want you! I need your son. E2M5c2txt012=Hey, you leave Peryl alone! He has made no promise to you!!! E2M5c2txt013=That is why I came to ask you. E2M5c2txt014=No, I don´t permit this, it is not the deal we made. E2M5c2txt015=You forgot who helped you against Moren? Perhaps I should ask for help somebody else. What about barbarians? Their king is uniting warriors, I am pretty, he will grab this opportunity. E2M5c2txt016=You won´t do this. E2M5c2txt017=Imagine the rolling, rattling of weapons and your country drowned in its blood. You choose - your son or your country? E2M5c2txt018=Why him? E2M5c2txt019=Let´s say that Weneris is attributed to him. E2M5c2txt020=God, I can´t ... No, I can´t. E2M5c2txt021=You gave me your word. The word of king!!! E2M5c2txt022=All right, but allow his teacher to accompany him. E2M5c2txt023=Be it so, ... call them ... both! lE2M6_Ukol1=Find Weneris. lE2M6_Ukol2=Tyboran and royal succesor mustn´t die. E2M6txt001=Now go and bring me Weneris! E2M6txt002=Sir, help us out of here. This is a cursed country. Please! E2M6txt003=All right, but you have to trust me. E2M6txt004=Heeelp!!! E2M6had001=Three stone priests watch Weneris. One of them owns the key. Each of them tells two sentences, but each of them tells half true and half false.
E2M6had003=Black priest says:
E2M6had004=1) White priest doesn´t have the key.
E2M6had005=2) I have it.
E2M6had007=Bloody priest says:
E2M6had008=1) Black priest has no key.
E2M6had009=2) I have it.
E2M6had011=White priest says:
E2M6had012=1) Bloody priest has no key.
E2M6had013=2) The black one has it.
E2M6had015=Nevertheless only a royal son is able to reply who has really the key. E2M6hadOdpoved1=It is correct, young king. Handle Weneris choicely. E2M6hadOdpoved2=If you are not of royal blood, you are doomed. E2M6hadOdpoved3=Incorrect answer young king. lTyp42_name=The soldier´s training lTyp42_text=Tyboran as Andrei´s general can command his soldiers and train them as well without having a military barrack. E2M6ctxt001=Finally! E2M6ctxt002=Wait! E2M6ctxt003=No!!! E2M6ctxt004=For God´s sake. E2M6ctxt005=How? How´s this possible? E2M6ctxt006=You should have protected him!!! E2M6ctxt007=Then, how comes that you are alive and your ward, future king, is dead? E2M6ctxt008=Dou you know what is the punishment for the murder of king, do you know what will be your punishment for the murder of future king?!!!! E2M6ctxt009=You don´t know ... in you face I see nothing but pain of my son!!! I don´t want to ever see you face again. There is no place for you in this town and in this country!!! Ketch!!! Burn a sign in his face!!! The sign which means nobody is allowed to offer you work, shelter or bread. E2M6ctxt010=Ketch!!! Burn in his face the sign of outlaw!!! ; E2M7 - future construction interier - Chram kde se skryva Weneris (je casove narocny vkusne zaplnit interierove mapy) lMapaE2M6=&Weneris lMapaE2M6_text= Except for son Peryl, Janitta gave Andrei also a daughter - Mirina. However she died at her childbirth. Andrei bore heavily her death, he was a king and his mission was to rule. Upbringing of his only son was entrusted to Tyboran, while the daughter was consigned to a convent. Nobody can say that he didn't love her, Mirina was ever since a sweetheart of the entire court, but she reminded him so much her mother's death. Years were passing like a river, and Andrei grew up very wise king, Lotud very stalwart knight, Rodrigo weighted bishop and Tyboran? Tyboran looked after the heir to the throne, like he was his own his. And the country carried on its prosperity. Until an unexpected guest came... ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; EPISODE 3 ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ lEpozida3=The O&gars ; E3M1 - snad hotova, pripada mi trochu nudna, ale sam nevim jak ji vylepsit lMapaE3M1=&Smugglers lMapaE3M1_text= Long time, very long time Tyboran wandered on paths leading nowhere for him, as nobody was allowed to provide him with a shelter. He wandered round the human-dwarf border. It was the only place where man like him could hide from legal justice as there was an absolute confusion thanks to business and customs intrigues strongly influencing entire territory. lMapaE3M1_text1= Tyboran accepted the offer of a dwarf, after long, long time he wasn't alone. He learnt, that ogars, how dwarfs called their company, didn't travel with an usual mercantile caravel, but they smuggled goods. But he didn't mind their company as in fact he was a renegate among renegates, he was one of them. The company had a long merry-making, so the next morning was quite cruel for every ogar. The worse thing was that our ogars were being chased by royal dog soldiers. E3M1ctxt001=Hands up! E3M1ctxt002=Hey, don't even think about it. E3M1ctxt003=I said - paws up!!! E3M1ctxt004=Whadda hell ya doin' there?!! ! Ya' chucklheads, I told ya to go huntin' roe-deers! Ya' told me yourself that road-deers here!! E3M1ctxt005=Well, Grud, ... we caught nothing actually... and ...er ... indeed... huh.err E3M1ctxt006=We were invited. E3M1ctxt007=Invited?? For such a dead tortoise? E3M1ctxt008=It is not a tortoise, Grud. It's an haire! I know it, I hava a nous on something like that. E3M1ctxt009=All rights, let's taste that meaty ear-bag... You, host, eee sorry... I'm DanGrud. E3M1ctxt010=Tyboran. E3M1ctxt011=Grud, Grud, we caught a boar, Grud, it's already spinnin' in a fire! E3M1ctxt012=Finally, that tortoise just made our muzzles greased. E3M1ctxt013=I told ya, no tortoise ... that E3M1ctxt014=Shutup ... Yep and ya... Tygor, come here, yo' wing-chair's eaten up.... E3M1txt001=Shit, get up!!! Royals're here ... Hear!!! Shit, get up, fellow. E3M1txt002=And ya ... eee Tygor, ya wanna save your ass? Graft then. I guess according to your painted mug, ya don't wanna meet royals. lE3M1_Ukol1=Follow dwarfish ogars lE3M1_Ukol2=Tyboran, DanGrud and Hiren mustn't die E3M1c2txt001=Uff, ehh, boss! Solemnly I think, that we ran away. E3M1c2txt002=Hopin' you're right. Damn! Lately royals swarm like wasps. E3M1c2txt003=Boss, I think, I know why they found us. E3M1c2txt004=No doubt, he is human too! And I think, that he's a bloody spy trying to smuggle among us. E3M1c2txt005=Good deduction...he is a human fellow. E3M1c2txt006=I guess, ya tell me again whadda fine smeller you have and that you knew it all long time ago. Ya saw his kissing trap? E3M1c2txt007=Not everybody has a mug with such finery. And I tell ya what. I think ya know shit about his origin, like I do. So score off and shove legs. And now, hurry up sisters, we gonna roll us on. E3M1c2txt008=Now, you explain me, how's the thing with ya? E3M1c2txt009=And what would you like to know? E3M1c2txt010=I wanna know, if you wanna move with us, but you know, we aren't the Salvation Army, some good fellows died and we need every hand now. But be on guard!!! Cause I gonna watch ya like a hawk and at ever I have so little suspicion ya'll die having an axe in your topknot. E3M1c2txt011=Sö you offer me a job of the protector of this certainly honourable mercantile caravan. E3M1c2txt012=No. I'm askin', if ya wanna join a company of smugglers, thieves and murderers running away from law on both sides of the border. What ya say, honourable knight ... ya take it? E3M1c2txt013=I take it. ; E3M2 - hotovo (hral jsem ji a docela se mi i libi ... trochu jsem ji pritvrdil) lMapaE3M2=&Village lMapaE3M2_text= And Tyboran joined the company of smugglers who called themselves Ogars. Just one month ago he could never have imagined this, but he didn't want to be alone anymore. He was glad actually that he was not the only one who was escaping from Andrei's soldiers and he was happy to belong somewhere. E3M2ctxt001=Boss, you see it? The buildings look pretty strange. E3M2ctxt002=It may've been fired. E3M2ctxt003=I don't think so. E3M2ctxt004=Hey, what damn happened here? E3M2ctxt005=Where's your mayor? E3M2ctxt006=I'm askin', where's that stinky old fogey? E3M2ctxt007= E3M2ctxt008=Whadda fu....hey, take it easy, folks. E3M2ctxt009=Grud! Royals ... you see? They traced us and they merged out of the forest at the moment. Quickly, let's tuck up. E3M2ctxt010=Wait. We are running away, but they can't. E3M2ctxt011=They won't kill them. Let's tuck up! Or not? E3M2ctxt012=I think they know what's goin' on. Ok, sisters, get ready for a good scuffle! E3M2ctxt013=Grook, stand up! you hear? stand up! E3M2ctxt014=For goodness, not this! No!!! ! E3M2ctxt015=This should never happen. E3M2ctxt016=He was like my bud!!! He got me out of that shithole bullpen. Why, why him? E3M2ctxt017=Well, where's damn mayor? E3M2ctxt018=Any explanation to this? E3M2ctxt019=They came the evening before yesterday, killing and burning. And not only here, but all villages round. E3M2ctxt020=Shit. I'm gettin' really pissed off. E3M2ctxt021=And you let them just kill you? Hey, I talk to you!!! And I ask: what you gonna do with this shit? What??? E3M2ctxt022= ... E3M2ctxt023=Run away? It was ya who told this bullshit? Namely you are dwarf? I would have to spit all over my mug, if I did something like it. Well, this is your country, your land! Here you were born, your fathers and grandfathers were born. And ya wanna escape like screwed rabbits? You wanna violate your native country? Ooh, gosh...I guess I'm gonna puke. E3M2ctxt024=Grud! We're not warriors. We just fight with our ploughs. We can't fight! We can't kill! We are not heroes here. E3M2ctxt025=Hero is the fellow who is acting without bullshitting around. The real hero will make it wordlessly even to some emperess. E3M2ctxt026=I tell ya! Face those tarts!!! If we stay together, we'll win. If we stay together, we'll fix this village. If we stay together, NOBODY's gonna run away!!! E3M2ctxt027=I tell ya, we'll make it together! What? E3M2ctxt028=Yeaah E3M2ctxt029=I tell ya, nobody's gonna trample all over us!! E3M2ctxt030=Yeaaaaah E3M2ctxt031=I tell ya, their arses will be in pieces!!! E3M2ctxt032=Yeaaaaaah E3M2ctxt033=You, Tygor, ya know how to manage such village? E3M2ctxt034=Well, I know something. E3M2ctxt035=Thanks God. I know shit on that stuff. lE3M2_Ukol1=Defend the village for 7 days. lE3M2_Ukol2=Tyboran, DanGrud and Hiren mustn't die lTyp55_name=You've found foreign catapults lTyp55_text=Hiren is a gifted mechanic so he can convert and fix the machinery. ; E3M3 - hotova (ale nehral jsem ji a nikoho jsem to hrat nevidel) lMapaE3M3=&Karea lMapaE3M3_text= The legends on gallantry of DanGrud's ogars were spreading across the country like a wind in the mountains. Certain self-complacent merchant named Ushir learnt also a lot on their actions. Ushir, besides his business talent, had been raised to the knighthood so with his position he had very good deals profitting of them very much. But one day his deals were terminated, for the town having been occupy by a band of dog soldiers. And at the very time Ushir invited DanGrud and his companions to negotiate certain matters of business. E3M3ctxt001=Welcome to my modest courtship, gentlemen. Make yourselves at home. E3M3ctxt002=Thank ya for your invitation, host. I gotta admit you have here county comfort. E3M3ctxt003=Be well. E3M3ctxt004=Come in. We are not to talk outside, are we? E3M3ctxt005=Wow, there's a plenty of scoff here... and ... and it is coloured. E3M3ctxt006=Shut up you tomfool-noody … let the bighead think that we are hard to be bought. E3M3ctxt007=Ok, let's go for the business ... for the decalogue genuines: Revere business above all. E3M3ctxt008=Good merchants from the town Karea have come to visit me. These merchants have many troubles with new lords. How you all must know, that town was acquited from imperial and powerful guild compression. The word "freedom" there is now a new expression for holding up and looting... E3M3ctxt009= E3M3ctxt010=So, how I already told ya, the town is completely held by royal dog soldiers. It embarrasses me just a bit, cause nobody has officially declared a war But our emperor doesn't want to make any statement related to this wartime act either. E3M3ctxt011=Yeah, you're damn right that we are here. E3M3ctxt012=Well, we're pretty honoured, but we know well that the town Karya is being protected by an imperial seal. Means it is up to your emperor to protect the town....they pay him a lotta taxes though. E3M3ctxt013=This is for a fact, the tax duty is doubtlessly fulfilled by merchants of Karyar. But you know well that emperor simply can't take care of everything and the imperial justice, like an every byrocratic aparatus, works slowly. E3M3ctxt014=I am not sure as far as the tax duty fulfillment is concerned, and I am sure that this is exactly the reason why that old fucker cares a damn about you... E3M3ctxt015=I guess we understand eachother. My plan is the following, you'll help us to liberate the town and to reestablish the original order. I think, that we all are gonna profit from this matter. E3M3ctxt016=We can discuss possible dangers later, let's eat first. E3M3ctxt017=Wait a sec. I have another proposal! We'll liberate the town Karea and we'll keep the town under our protection for the soldiers' pay equal to the imperial tax that you didn't pay until now. E3M3ctxt018=Good merchants will get back their guilds and properties. And you Ushir, you'll look after mayor, whence appropriate laws and conveniences will allure for you. E3M3ctxt019=Weell... but this way we ... then... E3M3ctxt020=I think that everyone will gain of it. E3M3ctxt021=n...n...n.. indeed, we must discuss it first, it is an interesting plan. E3M3ctxt022=Se well, ... we go ... you know where to find us. E3M3ctxt023=Wait... yes, you're right. It is a deal. E3M3ctxt024=And I think, that we can go start the banquet. E3M3ctxt025=Well-said, having prepared the deal like this, one gets pretty hungry. lE3M3_Ukol1=Drive all enemies out of the town Karea. lE3M3_Ukol2=Tyboran, DanGrud and Hiren mustn't die ; E3M4 - hotovo (hral jsem ji a libi se mi ... mozna je az moc obtizna, uvidim co na ni testeri) lMapaE3M4=&Reeks lMapaE3M4_text= The town Karea was free again, business was just flourishing and at the same time as though none of empire had found that there was a new town government. The reason might be either that nobody from the empire took a closer look on the town or the current emperor may have been very very old. So everything looked all right until DanGrud received a weird message. E3M4ctxt001=Tygor, Tygor. E3M4ctxt002=Where damn is that groom again? E3M4ctxt003=Huh here you are. A writing has flown to us. E3M4ctxt004=Hmm... flown? A messenger took a vacation?? E3M4ctxt005=No, no, a pigeon's flown here with it...fuckin' wise bird, isn't it?...it remembers the direction. E3M4ctxt006=OK and who's a sender? E3M4ctxt007=Wait, I'll read it ... E3M4ctxt008=P - R - E ... H - E E3M4ctxt009=I'd rather read it myself, if you permit. E3M4ctxt010=... E3M4ctxt011=This is a very please for help, some Duster and his company, they've shipwrecked about twenty miles southeast from here. We should help them fast, the royals can catch them every second. E3M4ctxt012=Duster? E3M4ctxt013=Do you know him? I am intersted in one thing - how one can shipwreck here where is no sea, river or a pond?? E3M4ctxt014=Duster flies in an airship. E3M4ctxt015=A ship that flies?? I heard thereof, but every time I thought that it was a nonsense. E3M4ctxt015b=I´ve heard about it but I allways thought it was a nonsense. E3M4ctxt016=Duster was once an emperor's right hand and a head manager of his laboratories. As long as emperor didn't find out, that Duster and Zirin wanted to take him down from throne. They say, that he is hiding from emperor' anger at Reeks. E3M4ctxt017=Yep. When I was young I was taught grinder at Reeks. You would believe whadda stones I worked with. But then my master sacked me, because I cared for his daughter too much. E3M4ctxt018=My grandfather was Reek too ... folks, what a smith he was. Well this axe was made by him. The whole damn empire was nothing to him, its tax duty as well. No,.. he was a clever fellow. E3M4ctxt019=Since he was burrowed like a pouched marmot. Like every Reek. E3M4ctxt020=While you were scared to death in face of imperial bumbailiff. E3M4ctxt021=You must pay taxes you know. Though the whole clan of Reeks is very rich. And Reeks will never face this emperor. Even though Zirin will reunite them. E3M4ctxt022=You wanna say, that Reeks are cowards? E3M4ctxt023=Not actually, even my brother is with them. Reeks are miners, smiths, grinders, ironmongers and alchemists, but not warriors. And since the majority of warrior-like clans is co-operating with our emperor, Reeks have no chance against him. E3M4ctxt024=But how forehanded they are, I must admit. Perhaps it can be a good job to save so important Reek. What do you think Tygor? E3M4ctxt025=You are right. What Grud? E3M4ctxt026=Me again? E3M4ctxt027=You're the best of us! E3M4ctxt028=Well, folks, I guess I am to bring you that moneybug here. lE3M4_Ukol1=Find Duster. lE3M4_Ukol2=DanGrud mustn't die. E3M4text1=What do you want? You are as hard as nails. E3M4text2=Do you want to cure your unit E3M4text3=for E3M4text4=golds? E3M4txt007=Watch out, it is an elf forest. E3M4txt008=I am warning you - go back, or you'll learn anger of my brothers. E3M4txt012=Peacock. E3M4txt013=Ou. I have found shortcut. E3M4txt009=Look hospital, possibly they would cure us there. E3M4txt010=In the name of Luciref, this is what we missed! E3M4txt011=It is strange, I smell a smoke. E3M4c2txt001=Hey! Who's there? E3M4c2txt002=That's me. Dangrud and if ya wanna stay alive, stop throwing balls and listen. E3M4c2txt003=How damn should I know, that you are not a royal spy? E3M4c2txt004=Then look at me thoroughly. You must be blind or totally stupid, if you don't see that I am dwarf as well. We've got this writing, that ya wanted our help, so get ready, sister, and let's fade away from here. But as far as you want to wait for those royal bastards, just stay here. E3M4c2txt005=OK - I trust that we are of the same blood and mind. ; E3M5 - hotovo (ale nehral jsem ji, hrat ji bude docela ndlouho, takze to necham na testery) lMapaE3M5=&Emperor E3M5ctxt001=I have to express my deepest thanks to you and especially to Mr. Grud for having saved my life. Be aware that your pains wasn't needless and once I will get among my people, I shall pay you myself 50.000 denars. E3M5ctxt002=Only a poltroon would refuse to help when we are at war. Especially if we both have the same enemy. E3M5ctxt003=Yes the royals lately plunder all and everywhere. But take my word, the biggest enemy isn't behind the border of the country. But ... E3M5ctxt004=I know everything about your problems with this empire, but we will not be in a tight spot with emperor. E3M5ctxt005=You think? E3M5ctxt006=We have never carried out anything to the emperor. E3M5ctxt007=And your occupation of the town Karea is legal of course... E3M5ctxt008=We just defend the town from being taken by the royals. E3M5ctxt009=Yes, you just defend the town. You assert to defend it from the royals, but will the emperor think this way? lMapaE3M51_text= Duster's left, his debt's been paid off, but after some time ogars were really visited by an imperial messenger. E3M5ctxtCisarskyPosel=Imperial messenger E3M5ctxt010=Further my lord and master is letting you know, if the taxation amounting 500.000,- denars will not be returned to to the imperial safe, the town Karea will be seized by a heavy legion within one week, illegal governors will be executed, and the imperial flag will be erected again above the town. E3M5ctxt011=Well, every hoot costs. Let's get out. E3M5ctxt012=We can't face a heavy legion. When emperor's hoplites are marching, the earth is shaking itself. Let's repay and let the town be so this emperor can look it out himself. E3M5ctxt013=The thing is that we have no money left. E3M5ctxt014=What? E3M5ctxt015=We've invested all money to construct a protection system of the town. Otherwise the town would have been held by the royals now. E3M5ctxt016=So I say again ... let's get out of here. There is a good hiding place in the western mountains. I was already hidden there from time to time. We'll spend the winter or two there and everybody will forget us. E3M5ctxt017=You wanna run away? To loose everything that we have fought for? E3M5ctxt018=And ya wanna stay here? Have ya ever seen a heavy legion? I tell ya something sister, till now we just played games - now, it is different, facing heavy legion you don't do but save your arse. E3M5ctxt019=I say to tuck up. E3M5ctxt020=Uff ... Good, let's start packing. Heavy legion may be strong, but certainly they are not so fast. lMapaE3M52_text= But in fact the heavy legion was so fast. The reason was that emperor never believe in a function of the dispatch alone. So the same time he sent a messenger, hoplites commenced also their campaign. So the other day the town was assaulted by a strong heavy legion. lMapaE3M53_text= The defence of the town seemed hopeless but suddenly a new ally entered the struggle. And at the eleventh hour he reverse the course of the struggle. Thereby ally was Duster and his Reeks. Imperial hoplites were tough warriors used to fight a so-called one sword-length combat, but when some airships appeared on horizon and all those flying machines started to launch rockets at them, they got scared to death. The majority of warriors left the struggle running. E3M5ctxt021=I haven't come here to tell you that my words have been fulfilled. I am here to make a deal in the name of my master, future emperor Zirin. E3M5ctxt022=I've come to let you know that this is the day when the uprising against old and rotten empire. Imperial heavy legion's last attack was emperor's last mistake. All businessmen and merchants are on our side now. E3M5ctxt023=But merchants can't command the army. Namely you defeated one of emperor's legion today, but it doesn't mean that he is not going to send against us another legion tomorrow, not one, but tens or hundreds of them. They'll shoot your airships down and will burn out the town as an example. E3M5ctxt024=Emperor doesn't have so many legions. Withal his army is formed also by dwarfs from other clans. And I know that no dwarfish clan would fight against us. Just a few personal imperial companies form our obstacles on the way to the final victory. E3M5ctxt025=I don't know from where you have such certainty that none of quarrelled clans is not going to fight with us. E3M5ctxt026=Our decalogue genuines: Gold is the best ally. So I made several allies using it. E3M5ctxt027=I got ya, gold makes friends. E3M5ctxt028=This town is an excuse for us to unleash an uprising. Besides this I noticed your perfect defence in face of the royals. And because who I need are the sharks, I am going to give an offer. Join me. And together we'll set this empire free, together we shall enthrone a new order and together we shall write the history. E3M5ctxt029=I've fought in many battles and served to many masters and to many ideals. Why should I fight with you? Might you offer me some money, power, wealth? Or you want to persuade me with ideals worth to fight for? E3M5ctxt030=No, I know that none of of those things is worthless for you. Tyboran, I know you maybe more than you can imagine. And I think that you will never come back to your king and your people. E3M5ctxt031=I have no king! E3M5ctxt032=I know. But what else do you want to do? lMapaE3M5_text= Ogars can't do but join Zirin. Just for the reason that everybody was sought by imperial justice and Zirin has promised them freedom. E3M5txt001=He constructed an ingenious machine, that is able to turn your army invisible. E3M5txt_Cisarsky=Imperial E3M5txt_Ganaral=General lE3M5_Ukol1=Kill all emperor's generals lE3M5_Ukol2=Tyboran, DanGrud and Duster mustn't die lTyp56_name=Masking generator lTyp56_text=All ground units within the range of the generator will turn invisible, but the generator itself is always visible. Invisible units can be seen only from a watch tower or by special units with an observer characteristics. If your unit is visible or being observed you can detect according to the list of influences on it. ; E3M6 - future construction nemam napady lMapaE3M6=Ra&ms lMapaE3M6_text= The empire already so obsolete and shabby was defeated. But a defeat is not allways the point. The point of this uprising was to wake people up and and to unite dwarfish people. But how easy was for dwarfish clans to make a decision that it was necessary to throne a new emperor, but suddenly they couldn't concur in who is to be a new emperorl. Perhaps the strongest clan, which had doubted Zirin's right to throne, was the clan of Rams. E3M6ctxt001=Tyboran, maybe you don't realize it, but our victory is thanks to you above all. Where our would have been, if there had been all those good warriors. E3M6ctxt002=I, myself, am glad to have torn an imperial arse. E3M6ctxt003=Many good men died for the empire united, but I am not sure where we have really achieved our goal. E3M6ctxt004=You tell truth. Though the victory seemed so near, it's still far away. The empire is strong enough, but as long as the new emperor is elected, we will never be united. E3M6ctxt005=You speak about the clan of Rams? E3M6ctxt006=Yep. Rams would never faced the emperor only by themselves, but once the throne is empty, they claim to imperial thronee. And other clans don't know yet who to support … Tyboran, and you Mr. DanGrud. I need you now more than ever. Not only I, but the whole country needs you. For this country will never be united, if somebody will play off against the winners' will. E3M6ctxt007=Nikdy som nebol ringing patriot, but I know, that land in abeyance dies. E3M6ctxt008=Yes. And none of us is willing to see this country dying. E3M6ctxt009=Gentlemen, while we'll concetrate all the military force combating the clan of Ram, royal robbers will seize our border towns. I'd like to vest power in somebody to defend our boundary. E3M6ctxt010=Sir, I would... E3M6ctxt011=No. my friend, I have other mission for you. I'd like to vest power in with Mr DanGrud. E3M6ctxt012=Well, I have already kicked some royals' arses. I know for myself that their game is sometimes hardly readable. How strong troops are going to be there? E3M6ctxt013=Boundary towns are being seized by several unorganized robber-gangs. It should not be nothing surprising for you. E3M6ctxt014=OK, I'm gonna tear buttocks of those nags! E3M6ctxt015=Further, I would like to let you know a top-secret information. How you must know, there is a principal symbol of the empire - the crystal Weneris - that is closely watched in the sacred temple OF THE THREE. You also certainly know, that there's a legend related to the crystal that the one, who has it, can rule the world. Its power can be fettered by the elect. But as I found out with an horror, the Weneris has been stolen. E3M6ctxt016=The old empire might hush up a loss of such valuable artifact, but a new emperor can't be elected without it. We have to find the Weneris and... E3M6ctxt017=Maybe it is the crystal that enables you to rule the whole world, but everybody who had ever met was brough bad luck later. E3M6ctxt018=What do you know about the legend of Weneris? E3M6ctxt019=Maybe more than you are thinking of. I warn you. Everybody, who would try to get the Weneris obtain, will get miserable very soon. E3M6ctxt020=I don't want to get it for myself, I want to get it back to the temple OF THE THREE, but as far as you are afraid of this mission, I shall entrust somebody else. Ushire? Hirin? E3M6ctxt021=Yes sire. E3M6ctxt022=Yes. E3M6ctxt023=Do you feel like such a mission? E3M6ctxt024=It'll be our honour, sir. lE3M6_Ukol1=Destroy all buildings of the dwarfish clan of Rams. lE3M6_Ukol2=Tyboran and Duster mustn´t die. lE3M6_Ukol3=Kill all representatives of the clan of Rams. E3M6txt001=the clan of Rams pulled back deep in mountains. We can never reach them, we can never defeat them and they will never surrender. E3M6txt002=Our laboratories have developped a new, even more destructive, weapon. Its impact hasn´t been tested until now so I don´t want to use it. E3M6txt003=You may not use it, otherwise many innocent dwarfs will dier. Effects of such weapon can be horrible!!! E3M6txt004=OK OK. Duster will do it anyway. E3M6txt005=How damn you could do this???! These were soldiers. No soldier deserves to die this way. No, nobody deserves to die like that. lMapaE3M6c=&Final step lMapaE3M6c_text= Tyboran was truly an excellent commander and only thanks to his handling of units the clan of Rams was defeated. But as if there was a little of the spilled blood, when the battle ended, when the wartime roar stopped and everyone capitulated, everything ended by another bloody act. Duster fulfilled his mission by executing all representatives of the clan of Rams together with their families. He spilled their blood completely nonsensely. Nevertheless even so bloody act caused an unexpected result; nobody ever dared to doubt Zirin's right to throne. And Zirin's dream came true. The empire was united again. To elect a new emperor they missed just one thing ... Weneris. E3M6c2txt001=Tyboran, while we concentrated all our forces against the enemies within this empire, some our boundary towns were seized by royal dog soldiers and cracksmen. E3M6c2txt002=Even though I did appropriate procurations before and sent there DanGud with one legion. I know I should have sent there a bigger troop with him, I didn't want to get my army weaken in a fight against Rams. Briefly DanGrud's obviously fallen into a snare. I don't even know whether he's alive or no. E3M6c2txt003=It is sure that king Andrei doesn't even know about the currenta conflict and the whole Anrei's kingdom is in fact governed by his counsellors. Unfortunately not to the benefit of the country. Since you had served to king Andrei, I'm not sure, whether you will be capable to fight against your people. E3M6c2txt004=They are not my people anymore! E3M6c2txt005=Yes I know. I'd like you to care for the protection of boundary towns, but I will understand if you say no ... E3M6c2txt006=I never leave a friend hardset. I'll find him alive or dead. And I find him dead, I promise to find his murderer. E3M6c2txt007=All right, Duster will be at your hand. E3M6c2txt008=So that everything will end with a next bloody execution? Thanks, but I am on it alone. E3M6c2txt009=It was necessary. And I am sorry you don't see the things my way. But all right then. I've chosen other mission for Duster anyway. ; E3M7 - future construction (mapa NENI navrzena) lMapaE3M7=&Final step lMapaE3M7_text=While Ushir and Hiren were looking for Weneris, Duster was entrusted with a defence of the border with human kingdom. King Andrei was still devoured by grief on the death of his only son and in his blinders he didn't see what was happening in his kingdom. Human kingdom was tossed with chaos, mercantile roads were not safe anymore and there were robbers plundering the boundaries. Robbers were well-organized and paid by grown-rich guilds trespassing the boundary. And what happened? The dwarfish defence didn't resist their onset at last. lE3M7_Ukol1=Find and save DanGrud lE3M7_Ukol2=Tyboran mustn't die lE3M7_Ukol3=Lead DanGrud to Zirin´s palace lE3M7_text_1=DanGrud must be shipped to the palace. lMapaE3M7_text2=Tyboran didn't know the mission of Duster. He just could anticipate that it must have been another next dirty job in which Zirin didn't want to rinse his hands, but he didn't spy more on it. He didn't want to know anything about the empire. New emperor Zirin had big plans how to enlarge the dwarfish empire and Duster was entrusted with an special mission to provoke a war between humans and dwarfs. He had an elite unit to get deep inside of the human territory to spill blood of the locals. This elite unit was faster than the heavy legion, so that Andrei's soldiers had no chance to catch them. E3M7ctxt001=Gentlemen, I have the honour to announce you that the crystal Weneris has been found. Mr. Ushir succeeded in obtaining this valuable object and it is now possible to realize a coronation of the new emperor. My idea is to leave Weneris leave here in the Imperial palace, to show our power. E3M7ctxt002=You promised to return Weneris to the temple. E3M7ctxt003=But, why ...If they haven't missed it until now, I think... E3M7ctxt004=Where's Hiren? E3M7ctxt005=I am sorry. Making a deal with a middleman, who sold us Weneris, there a was a conflict, we were attacked by a witch and Hiren didn't survive it. He died as a hero. E3M7ctxt006=What? Hiren? I knew Hiren. E3M7ctxt007=I knew him as if he was my bud. And I know, that Hiren was no hero. And he would never tried to be a hero! Fuck! This is all your intrigues. One goes dotty and ... E3M7ctxt008=I warned you that Weneris brought bad luch. And nobody listened to my words. Hiren has already paid his tax but who's next? E3M7ctxt009=I fuck the whole empire up ... I don't wanna die here! E3M7ctxt010=You are right. Who knows, who will the next victim of Weneris and next sacrifice for the empire. E3M7ctxt011=I, Zirin, emperor and ruler of the dwarfish country, E3M7ctxt012=hereby promise to be a just ruler to my nation and to rule the best I will be able to. I promise to protect the country from any enemy, to establish justice and to return to my empire its former power and glory. I promise that the legacy of our ancestors shall carry on. ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; EPISODE 4 ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ lEpozida4=The &Return ; E4M1 - future construction (mapa je navrzena, ale je potreba ji upravit zrovna tak skript) pripada mi nudna lMapaE4M1=&Monastery lMapaE4M1_text= Emperor Zirin had huge plans dealing with an enlargement of the dwarfish empire and Duster was entrusted with a special mission to provoke a war between humans and dwarfs. Duster has an elite unit with which he penetrated deeply the human territory where plundered, scorche, stole and murdered local people. Duster's elite unit was faster than heavy legions, so that the royals couldn't catch for a long time. E4M1txt001=I salut you, king Andrei. Looks like you need every man. E4M1txt002=Do I know you? You remind me someone. E4M1txt003=Kristiana... A couple of years ago you saved me from barbarians. I am here to acquit the debt. E4M1txt004=If you want to help me, find Mirina. Find my only daughter. E4M1txt005=Are you sure? You and your company, then ... remains of your company, can't resist here long. Wouldn't I rather ... E4M1txt006=Please! Save mine child. E4M1txt007=Oh my goodness... Oh my goodness... Oh my goodness. E4M1txt008=It's all right now. Noone harms you. E4M1txt009=My goodness...My goodness. E4M1txt010=It's all right! We have to go! E4M1txt011=My God... E4M1txt012=You want to stay alive? If so, we have to go! E4M1txt013=OK... help me. Please. E4M1txt014=Maybe if dwarfs hadn't destroyed the temple, it could have helped us. E4M1txt_Kapitan=The Captain E4M1txt015=My ship is for sale as the time is bad. It is for E4M1txt0151=golds E4M1txt016=Hell, these were our reserves of a projectile dust. Wherewith shall we fire now? E4M1txt017=We'll load up gold and let's crap out. E4M1txt018=You have enough manna, so what do you do in the temple? E4M1txt020=Is he supposed to E4M1txt021=pray and sacrify E4M1txt022=golds? lE4M1_Ukol1=Run off to a secure place. lE4M1_Ukol2=Kriss and Mirina mustn't die. E4M1ctxt001=Your Eminence, there are two women nearby the entrance and one of them claims to be princess Mirina. E4M1ctxt002=Wha the hell you are waiting for? Bring them. E4M1ctxt003=It means someone may have survived the pogrom in the monastery. E4M1ctxt004=I didn't believe that this could ever happen. E4M1ctxt005=Your highness. You' re alive. My prayers weren't needless, God have heard me. E4M1ctxt006=Kriss? Is it you? E4M1ctxt007=Lotude! E4M1ctxt008=Baronesse Kristiana? E4M1ctxt009=I am glad to see you, Rodrigo. Let me introduce you my saviour Kriss. I couldn't have survived without her. E4M1ctxt010=Baronesse Kristiana, in the name of the whole kingdom I thank you very much. ; E4M2 - (hotovo) lMapaE4M2=&No king lMapaE4M2_text= Mirina, thanks to Kriss, escaped from a dwarfish commando. But king Andrei died in an effort to save the monastery and his only daughter. Dwarfish attacks of unprotected royal cities carried on and the kingless country wasn't able to defend itself. There were only archbishop Rodrigo and his brother Lotud looking after the kingdom. E4M2txt001=I am bringing bad news. The towns've fallen down. Our soldiers were fighing like lions and laid their lives down for our withdrawal. We are near powerless against the dwarfish weapons. They have rockets that go through the best harness like a knife cuts a butter. I am not a coward, but I have serious concerns for the result of this war. E4M2txt002=We must hold on. Everything's going to change soon. I know it. E4M2txt003=I am not a general, nor military general, but if you know, that the war situation is going to change, perhaps you could reveal su the terms on which it will be possible. E4M2txt004=Queen Mirina wants to say that the result of this war is at the hands of God. And we, all, have to pray to ... E4M2txt005=Pshaw ... E4M2txt006=A what about you sister Kristiana, do you often pray? E4M2txt007=It is no use to argue. We have to think out a new policy. E4M2txt008=Most of the soldiers died. There is nearly nobody ready to defend the kingdom. But as a head of Church I've taken a heart for an agonized act. (he paused for a while) It is written in the Holy book that God transformed ploughs into swords, when good people met evil. And it is up to us to face evil. E4M2txt009=I intend to call on all my brothers to the war. To the war against evil itself! Since dwarfs doesn't fight just against this kingdom, but they fight against God!! So this is the holy war||| lE4M2_Ukol1=Destroy all dwarfish buildings. lE4M2_Ukol2=Rodrigo and Lotud mustn't die. lE4M2_Ukol3=Build up a cathedral and train templars. ; E4M3 - hotovo lMapaE4M3=&Inquisition lMapaE4M3_text= Everything appears to be lost, there is no defence against dwarfish airships. Archbishop Rodriges united remaining royal troops and built defensive towers. But the royal army was enervate, when the dwarfish army would cross the river was just a matter of the time. So archbishop Rodrigo decided to call on inquisitors. E4M3ctxt001=It seems it is a mission impossible, the river dividing us and no army dares to cross over it. E4M3ctxt002=Possibly we should propose armistice to Zirin. E4M3ctxt003=Highness, you really want to leave all northern towns to dwarfs? So our descendants will curse their fathers? I won't allow this. E4M3ctxt004=I don't want to behave cowardly, but our people are sick of the war. Everyone longs for peace. E4M3ctxt005=Peace? Yes. But what it costs? Zirin must know, that he will never try to attack us again. E4M3ctxt006=My brother is right, once we surrender in the north, then somewhere else and in the end they will drive us away to the mountains, where we'll be slaughtered by barbarians. E4M3ctxt007=Maybe it is not only up to us to show them power. E4M3ctxt008=What are you thinking about? E4M3ctxt009=Zirin sent his legions through the elf forest to attack us from north. Bad idea. Elfs doesn't like to see foreign army passing through their territory. Their elite units were shattered in a few minutes. And their airships were powerless above the forest. E4M3ctxt010=You are well-informed ... daughter. E4M3ctxt011=I've been allways curious. E4M3ctxt012=The information on progress of dwarfish legions is out of hearing, or you have ... E4M3ctxt013=Hey, stop it! We have to think out the plan, how to cross the river and at the same time to defend us from airships. E4M3ctxt014=I had a theophany. The power of the dwarfish empire is in the stone called Weneris. Should we got the crystal of such power, our Inquisition could call on the knights of God Being so powerful we would be able to face that aircraft. E4M3ctxt015=Rodrigo, pray to Lord to give you another theophany where they hide the powerful stone. I will pray myself for the success of Inquisition. E4M3ctxt016=Hell, why are you allways against Kriss!?! E4M3ctxt017=I have fears that she is not baronesse Kristiana anymore. I think, that her soul already died. E4M3ctxt018=I know, she told me that she had been cursed and that she is not like before. E4M3ctxt019=Then the Inquistion is to interview her. E4M3ctxt020=No!!! She is my fiancée! She didn't harm anybone, she's explained to me everything. E4M3ctxt021=But she is not human now! She is devil-controlled! E4M3ctxt022=She is what she is! And dare to break her hair! E4M3ctxt023=Be careful. The things like her killed our father. lE4M3_Ukol1=Destroy all dwarfish rackets. lE4M3_Ukol2=Rodrigo mustn't die. ; E4M4 - future construction (mapa je navrzena, ale je potreba ji upravit zrovna tak skript) lMapaE4M4=&Curse lMapaE4M4_text=The only thing that could help against dwarf attack was Weneris. So archbishop Rodrigo, his brother Lotud and baronesse Kristiana started their trip for the crystal. Rodrigo protested against the presence of Kristiana, but queen Mirina had a stronger word. The word of queen. E4M4ctxt001=Our intelligence units reflect, that the crystal Weneris is being closely watched in the very heart of the empire. It is impossible to get Weneris by using a normal military force, but smaller weaponry group could be be able to get into the Imperial palace and to steal Weneris. E4M4ctxt002=Good brother, very good. Let's go immediately for the blessed crystal. E4M4ctxt003=I'll go with you E4M4ctxt004=No! Your presence would endanger the whole campaign. E4M4ctxt005=I have fought before. E4M4ctxt006=Really, daughter? And how many men have you killed? And do you kill only when you have to, or for your pleasure? Perhaps you spill blood, because something attracts you to it ... E4M4ctxt007=Enough!!! As far as you want to get the stone, she should go with us. Her abilities are irreplaceable. E4M4ctxt008=And I say you must be blind if you don't see her genuine face. E4M4ctxt009=Let me decide this broil. We need the crystal Weneris, don't we? E4M4ctxt010=Yes, my lady. We can't call on the knights of God without it. E4M4ctxt011=Then we have to use all means to obtain it. E4M4ctxt012=Yes. E4M4txt001=Do not dare to touch the crystal! E4M4txt002=Nooooo!!! E4M4txt003=He's dead! E4M4txt004=It's your fault! I know, who you are, you can't hide anything from me. You're a daughter of Lucifer. And I exorcize you!!! E4M4txt005=Noooo! E4M4txt006=Why you have disobied me, why? Well I was willing only good. Good for us. E4M4txt007= E4M4txt008=Weneris, where's it? It must be here, I've seen it. E4M4txt009=Old friend, perhaps you tell me something and perhaps you'll serve me. E4M4txt010= E4M4txt011=Excellent. You know who you are? E4M4txt012=Yes. I am Lotud, a knight of Queen Mirina. E4M4txt013=Correct, but now you are my knight. Keep in mind, that I woke you up! You have to obey me!! I am thy lady!!! E4M4txt014=Yes. lE4M3_Ukol1=Destroy all dwarfish rackets. lE4M3_Ukol2=Rodrigo mustn't die. ; E4M5 - hotovo lMapaE4M5=&Hatred lMapaE4M5_text= Lotud is gone and treacherous baroness Kristiana is possibly nosferratu. Everything and everyone is dying, the only thing that can help is the power of Weneris, which archbishop Rodrigo had got. Let's pray so that holy Inquisition will be successful in using of its power. Only Weneris can save the human kingdom from being taken by the dwarfish empire. And only Weneris will help to repulse all enemies. Yes! All the pagans will be expulsed. Yes!!! All! E4M5txt001=I tried to catch you, but either we are not supposed to meet eachother or you are avoiding to meet me. Tell me, you've got Weneris and where are others. E4M5txt002=I was very busy I had to see the storage of Weneris into the cathedral. (he tried to change a subject) The divine crystal was installed to the altar cross and now the power of our Inquisition is unimaginably. With all humility, we are a little closer to our Father. E4M5txt003=And what about others? Where's Kriss and Lotud? E4M5txt004=You are not allowed to pronounce that name again!!! Lotud is gone. I said not to take Krisstiana with us!!! I only knew what sort of creature she was!!! E4M5txt005=I had a dream about my brother's death but I would never have said that Kriss is able to commit this. E4M5txt006=Evil can hide its genuine face. When your Highness is annoyed by nightmares, I could tell ... E4M5txt007=No. I don't need a cure. E4M5txt008=All right. Be aware Highness, that now only we two are the salvage of hereof kingdom. We have to stay together, otherwise our world how we know it is going to end. E4M5txt009=Is it hard to carry a responsibity for the future of the kingdom. But I will not dissapoint my people. E4M5txt010=Your Eminence. Mountain towns are well-fortified. To conquer them will be harder than expected. Even for our good Inquisition ... E4M5txt011=The Inquisition is omnipotent!!! Thereof be doubtless! It is just a matter of the time when those infidels will resign to the will of God. E4M5txt012=We may stop our attacks. We have already parried the imperial onset and our kingdom is now firm like during my father's time. E4M5txt013=No!!! Once we started we can't stop. Dwarfs will pay back for their mistake and their empire will be annexed. Those infidels will be baptized amicably, or cruely and only after that they will be able to comprehend the power of our Inquisition. And only then they will recognize the power of Queen Mirina. E4M5txt014=Rodrigo, I understand your pain. You are not alone who lost somebody in this war. And even though I am not a general, I think … E4M5txt015=Exactly..that is why you are not neither a strategist nor a general. I advise to you, Majesty, to let more experienced people do whatever they want to in this war. So what our army is going to recommend us? E4M5txt016=Your Eminence. To be able seriously harm imperial cities, we have to construct much superior catapults. Catapults that will have a range of several miles. E4M5txt017=OK, what prevents you from constructing them? E4M5txt018=Your Eminence, to construct such a wartime machinery we will need some strong trees. We need mainly bulky cedars and ashes. But the trees like that are not in our kingdom!!! E4M5txt019=They are! E4M5txt020= E4M5txt021=We can't do that! Elfs have been living for hundreds years in piece with this kingdom. The act like this will be a declaration of war in fact. E4M5txt022=Your Majesty still misunderstands. They are all infidels - pagans! It is our holy duty to bring them to our Father. E4M5txt023=Sir? E4M5txt024=No worries general. Our Inquisition is truly an omnipotent one. E4M5txt025=Go back, man, or you'll be punished by our deep forest! lE4M5_Ukol1=Destroy all dwarfs. lE4M5_Ukol2=Rodrigo mustn't die. E4M5ctxt001=I welcome you my brothers and sisters to today's mass. First I would like to confess you - confess you from your sensations. I have always believed being equal to any of you. I've never overtopped, as I know, that we are all of one faith and one God. E4M5ctxt002=And I know that it was God who helped us against infidels. Well everyone is of the same blood. There is no difference between nobles and retainers. But the difference is between those who believe and those who unbelieve! E4M5ctxt003=For it is the country that we inherite from our Lord and it is our duty to cultivate it. Or to make it better, more beautiful. Not for us, but for our children. So I know, that everyone shall be obedient to godly voice. Brothers and sisters ... let's pray ... E4M5ctxt004=... Amen!!! ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; EPISODE 5 ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ lEpozida5=The &Elven magic ; E5M1 - snad hotovo, zacatak je zajimavej, pak se to zvrtne ve stavecku (niko do netestoval) lMapaE5M1=&Tradition lMapaE5M1_text1= Rodrigo continues to lead the Inquisition to the war. Though he is not so much trusted by Queen Mirina now. But he doesn't mind. Now he governs the Church and Church preaches to people, while Queen is slighlty loosing her power. But let's go somewhere else for now. To the deep forest of the elf empire, where a young pupil Elsan is being taught by his teacher Filinera. lMapaE5M1_text2= So much were Elfs sure about piece. Meantime Elfs didn't have an army actually. They were sure so much about constant piece and they were mistaken so much. And suddenly the Inquisition attacked them, because Rodrigo's army needed well grown timber to construct catapults... lMapaE5M1_text3= At this moment Mirina looked through. Rodrigo thru his omnipotent Inquisition and thru its name controlled the whole country. He commanded in the name of Queen, and he burnt those who refused baptism in the name of God. Mirina tried to do an agonized act: To warn Elfs against the next attack. lMapaE5M1_text4= That night Elfish valley was assaulted. Filiner was called for an exceptional counsel, but after a while the place of the counsel turned into a battlefield. Everything happened too fast. Nobody was prepared to this. But Elsan and Mirina escaped. lE5M1JmenoDruida=The Oldest E5M1ctxt001=Master, though I know that we are bound by our tradition, I think... E5M1ctxt002=No, we're not bound by our tradition. Our tradition protects us from outwards. I understand you are fascinated by surrounding world. I wasn't different. But you have to impeach our diversity. E5M1ctxt003=I know, we are different, but yet we cannot disregard a development of the surrounding world. Well there is a war raging aroung our country, people are dying, dwarfs are dying. And we are not allowed to help them? E5M1ctxt004=Wrong question. Nobody can help them. They are responsible themselves for all wars. No, I don't want to judge them, they are different, but if we were involved in a wartime conflict, the war would acquire much greater proportions. E5M1ctxt005=Later we would have to decide which party we would like to fight with. Thereby we would create mass death warrants. E5M1ctxt006=Can we judge other beings' lives? You know for a fact that it is against everything that we trust in. E5M1ctxt007=And if we were indrawn to the war, what if somebody invaded us? What then? How would you vote in the presbytery, how would the counsel decide at all? Would we defend our forests? E5M1ctxt008=It is good to give me questions like that, but no such thing can ever happen. E5M1ctxt009=And what if? E5M1ctxt010=It is impossible. Our tradition has been protecting us for a few centuries. Last war, which our empire lead, was at the time, when I was very young. Perhaps in your age. It was a terrible time. Appreciate that it cannot happen to your generation. E5M1ctxt011=It is an excess felling situation. Neither of us could anticipate that humans would commit such crazy act. In addition without an official declaration of war. Is it really a barbarian act. E5M1ctxt012=One question annoys us whether the Inquisition intends to carry on the attack. E5M1ctxt013=The Oldest, allow me to break silence. I broke the enemies' minds - they are confident to have come to finish off only the eastern forest and chop down timber for a machine production. E5M1ctxt014=Are you confident, that once they stop attacking us they'll get what they want? E5M1ctxt015=Objection! From the human history is perceptible, that they have never come short of the thing that they had already achieved. They always want more and more. E5M1ctxt016=Their thoughts talk different. They want to humiliate the dwarfish empire. They have nothing against us. E5M1ctxt017=OK. When humans are away, we shall multiply the number of frontiersmen in the forest borders. E5M1ctxt018=I have no experiences but if there is a possible chance of being attacked again I think we should reopen the school of Fighting Druids. E5M1ctxt019=Elsane, you were not give a word. E5M1ctxt020=No. Fighting Druids and other warriors that left our school were dangerous. Some too dangerous. Dangerous for us all, and for themselves too. Everyone has heard on the betrayal of Axardene. E5M1ctxt021=I don't understand you. Why should a representative of your faith, of the faith, which, as you assert, shows respect to peace, plan next attack. Namely to the heart of our valley? E5M1ctxt022=But they will do it. I saw the battle plans. The Inquisition is powerful, more powerful than you think. E5M1ctxt023=I will think about it, but I'm not sure, whether your faith has such a power you are desribing. Filinere, Elsane please, take care of this woman, she needs to have a rest. E5M1ctxt024=You don't listen to me, you have to evacuate your people. They are coming and their power is unreal. E5M1ctxt025=We'll take care of her. E5M1ctxt026= E5M1ctxt027=Why. I ask you, human woman, why? E5M1ctxt028=I said they were coming. And they came. E5M1ctxt029=Every country needs a leader. Someone, who would lead them. A king. E5M1ctxt030=These people are governed by the counsel! We have to hold on, whether somebody from the counsel haven't survived! Only counsel can lead us and only counsel can decide! E5M1ctxt031=People don't follow the one awaiting the decision but they follow the one who acts and who is capable to defend his country! E5M1ctxt032=You don't understand it! No one establishes you a leader when the counsel is here E5M1ctxt033=Perhaps I don't understand it, but, who else can save your people? Who? E5M1txt001=Good, I'll take all hunters and we'll try to take inquisitors by surprise and get the valley back. E5M1txt002=Don't you think it is too risky? There is the biggest concentration of the Inquisition in this very territory. E5M1txt003=I know that plenty of us are going to die, but we have to get back our valley. E5M1txt004=Yes, we have to. But I am not sure if we are to do it today. E5M1txt005=And it is enough to sit down awaiting their arrival?? E5M1txt006=No, it would be wiser to gather more warriors. To go up north to the montane forest and on the way to gather all people. The Inquisition can't go to the mountains and once we are ready we'll attack them. E5M1txt007=But I can't tell you what you are or aren't to do, you lead your empire and I am only a human woman. E5M1txt008=I am sorry if I ever doubted your judgement. You're right, we mustn't do the same mistake. E5M1txt009=Hey! What are you doing here, don't you know it is the elf-wood? E5M1txt010=Well, fellows, we've lost our way. E5M1txt011=Don't lie to me, dwarf, I see you're carrying a venison. You poached in our forest. You'll be punished. E5M1txt012=I'm sorry we were forced to. Our village is dying of hunger. And in this time the slave trave is pretty down. We've been assaulted by the Inquisition several times. Indeed we are ready to pay for the venison. E5M1txt013=Inquisition? Perhaps, we've of even enemy. E5M1txt014=OK, leave the venison and money for yourselves. But we need new weapons as well as to hammer apices of arrows. Perhaps, we could make some - how you call it - deal. E5M1txt015=The river flooded and tore down the bridge. We have to choose another way. E5M1txt016=Come brothers, I'll ferry you. E5M1txt017=You see, people don't destroy only a wood but also our holy places. E5M1txt018=Welcome. We shall withstand the Inquisition with your help. E5M1ElsanePomoz=Elsan, help!!! lE5M1_Ukol1=The last elfish fortress mustn't fall into hands of Christians. lE5M1_Ukol2=Drive out all Christians. lE5M1_Ukol3=Elsan, Mirna, DanGrud and Tyboran mustn't die. lE5M1_Ukol4=Find out the last elfish town. lE5M1_Ukol5=Elsan, Mirina, DanGrud and Tyboran mustn't die. lE5M1_Ukol6=Gather as many warriors as you can. lE5M1_Ukol7=Elsan and Mirina mustn't die. ; E5M2 - nejak to je, ale nikdo to nikdy nehral lMapaE5M2=&Despair lMapaE5M2_text= The Inquisition's fast progressed was stopped, but it is only a matter of the time when archbishop Rodrigo reunites his forces again. But Elfs couldn't do but to fight, although the most of them will surely die. E5M2txt001=Maybe the new leader would recall his old teacher. E5M2txt002=Filinere. You have survived? I knew that we should have come back to the valley to pick up the wounded ones. E5M2txt003=No. You did right that you fell back north. The valley is being plundred by the Inquisition now and death walks at its heels. I hardlay escaped them, as I got myself teleported away at the eleventh hour. E5M2txt004=It was the human woman, Mirina, who advised us to fortify against here in the north. Perhaps is is good, that we have here someone from the royal court. Someone who knows the Inquisition. E5M2txt005=I also used to be at the royal court and I know archbishop Rodrigo, but I didn't see you there. E5M2txt006=Then it must a long time when you were there finally if you don't know queen Mirina. May I know your name? E5M2txt007=My name is Tyboran. Is was indeed a very long time ago. I just remember the reign of your father. E5M2txt008=I believe you didn't cause the death of my brother. E5M2txt009=I don't want to talk about it! E5M2txt010=I know I cannot atone anything of my father's mistakes and a soldier may consider my apologies for an offence. But as far as it moderates your pain, I would like us not to forget the circumstances that are dividing us. E5M2txt011=After your execution a plenty of good soldiers left the army. Many people trusted you at the time. Perhaps, we could wake up our kingdom together. The kingdom that sleeps is blind and deaf. The kingdom that's being controlled by the Inquisition. Maybe... E5M2txt012=I would understand if you say no. E5M2txt013=I say yes! E5M2txt014=Thank you. E5M2txt015=No! I thank you. E5M2txt016=Master, we've found a dragonish egg. lE5M2_Ukol1=Build an elf town and destroy human town halls. lE5M2_Ukol2=Elsan mustn't die. ; E5M3 - future construction (mapa je navrzena, ale je potreba ji upravit zrovna tak HODNE upravit skript) lMapaE5M3=&Heretics' fire lMapaE5M3_text= With a return of Filiner, Elfs started to hope again. He may know what is the reason of that bloody war. And he may also know how to stop all that wartime fury. E5M3txt001=Meantime the Inquisition doesn´t pay much attention to our attacks. They believe it is just a small rebellion, which will be suppressed soon. But ordinary people love their queen very much. The people are bored of neverending fightings. So it is the goal of all of us to finish this bloody war. E5M3txt002=Peace. Everybody wishes piece, but if you offer them a piece of meat or money they are all for war. E5M3txt003=Not everybody is like this. There are people, maybe even dwarfs, who really want piece. E5M3txt004=But there are also people who want to be mighty at any cost. Even if they break the equilibrity. Yes, it is the passion of power, it is the cause of this war. And this war was caused by dissapearance of Weneris. E5M3txt005=Weneris? The crystal of power? E5M3txt006=Yes. The fatality says that as soon as the crystal is out of the temple walls, there will be a war fire in which everybody will be burnt out regardless their race, situation and religion. E5M3txt007=What next the fatality says? E5M3txt008=Weneris gives to its owner incredible power. Nevertheless it darks your mind. E5M3txt009=And brings bad luck. E5M3txt010=Correct. I see I am not the only one who can talk about Weneris. E5M3txt011=Weneris? Speaking about the same crystal I am sure I saw it lately in the holiest cathedral. E5M3txt012=Whate? The Inquisition has Weneris? E5M3txt013=Yes. Archbishop Rodrigo himself has put it into the altar cross. E5M3txt014=If it is so, we must devote our best to get Weneris. What´s next general Tyboran, can we forecast next steps of the Inquisition? E5M3txt015=The Inquisition tries to keep the people in ignorance. And because elfs escaped and they still don´t dare to attack the dwarfish empire, they seek an enemy among them. In brief, heretics are being burnt again. E5M3txt016=Those gestures just enforce almightiness of the Inquisition in the eye of ordinary people. Actually they want to burn baronesse Kristiana to death, Kristiana, who once... E5M3txt017=What? NO! We must prevent them from doing this. E5M3txt018=We can´t prevent it, it is too risky to try such dangerous action. E5M3txt019=Tyboran, this woman saved my life at the time. I´ll go alone if it´s necessary, but I will not let her die. E5M3txt020=I don´t let you go alone, I go along. E5M3txt021=OK, I´ll lead you. E5M3txt022=Hey, you leave me here or what? I join ya. lTyp60_name=The soldier´s training lTyp60_text=Tyboran as Andrei´s general can command his soldiers and train them as well without having a military barrack. lE5M3_textXXX=In the name of queen Mirina, I ask you for help. lE5M3_Ukol1=Save Kristianna within 12 days. lE5M3_Ukol2=Mirina, Elsan, Tyboran and DanGrud mustn´t die. lE5M3_ProhralJsi=Kristiana has been burnt to death. ; E5M4 - now construction lMapaE5M4=Druids' &circle lMapaE5M4_text= Everybody understand now what was the cause of those infinite wars. It is necessary to stop the needless blood spilling, bring Weneris to the temple OF THE THREE and return to the tradition of our ancestors. But before we will be able to stop the Inquisition we have to liberate old elf menhirs, which were seized by the Inquisition. Menhirs cover-up a great wisdom of elf magicians and without them we will not be able to face the dark power of Weneris. E5M4ctxt001=Our power is nothing in a comparison with the Inquisition power. I don't make any premature statements but we should really open the school of martial druids? I am afraid that we won't get our valley back just by the use of swords and arrows. E5M4ctxt002=Maybe you're right, I have thought this way for myself. And I found out there is no other way. E5M4ctxt003=None of us wanted this war, but we will have to defend ourselves. I believe that the school of martial druids under your commandment would help us to bring the tradition back. E5M4ctxt004=You know, I wanted to talk about it before but I didn't want to bring a suspicion among us. E5M4ctxt005=Suspicion? who is to be suspect? E5M4ctxt006=Once again I don't want to make premature statements but it is impossible to uproot the fact that baroness Kriss is somebody else. E5M4ctxt007=Somebody else? Explain. E5M4ctxt008=I think that baroness Krisstiana, at least in part, belongs to the order of living deads. I think she is a vampire. E5M4ctxt009=Vampire? How could a vampire live in sun rays? How is possible that none of us has recognized such a concentrated evil? E5M4ctxt010=I know who, or what, Kriss is. She's not a complete vampire. She was curses. But she is not nosferratu! She said it to me and I trust her. E5M4ctxt011=It would make sense, but I personally have never met anyone of her kind. Nekromartia is nearly a crime for us. We cannot take this risk. E5M4ctxt012=What do you suggest? E5M4ctxt013=I will not allow to anybody to harm Kriss anyhow. E5M4ctxt014=And I don't want to harm her either, but on our behalf we shouldn't expose her in a direct combat against the Inquisition. I suggest that she be charged to watch out the town of Omniscientists, where she'll be well protected. E5M4ctxt015=Further the town of Omniscientists is very important for us, regarding the point of view of our tradition, or the development of our schools, and her presence, her power will ensure to keep this town under our control. E5M4ctxt016=I am not against if Kriss stays here. But nobody is allowed to harm her. E5M4ctxt017=Nobody is going to harm her...I promise. lE5M4_Ukol1=Set four elf towns free. lE5M4_Ukol2=No elf building mustn't be destroyed. lE5M4_MestoOsvobozeno=The town liberated. lE5M4_ElfskaBudovaZnicena=The elf building destroyed. ; E5M5 - future construction (mapa je navrzena, ale je potreba ji upravit zrovna tak skript) obrovska mapa, ale navrzena je. Naposled se mi docela libila. lMapaE5M5=&Liberty cost lMapaE5M5_text1= While Elsan with Filiner renewed an old power of elfs, Kriss was in the town of Omniscientists. Noone wanted to expose her to a needless danger so she was charged to watch out an old library. The library was a centre of the whole elf wisdom, all the chronicle, fatalities and prophecies were stored there. If the Inquisition grabbed such a power and was able to use it, archbishop Rodriges could have ruled the world. It wasn't allowed to happen but nobody could anticipate that somebody else was interested in the library as well. E5M5ctxt001=It must be somewhere here. E5M5ctxt002=This was the second prediction of Weneris. I remember that right here... E5M5ctxt003=You search something? E5M5ctxt004=Lotude, finish her. E5M5ctxt005=Lotude, how's that? You are alive. E5M5ctxt006=I don't know either. lMapaE5M5_text= The last step left. It is necessary to get the crystal Weneris. Thanks to Tyboran, the dwarfish empire promised us a military help and so Tyboran and DanGrud started to build ramparts. Though we can count on their help it will not be easy to find Weneris, that is hidden in the cathedral being watched by archbishop Rodriges. And as if the Inquisition anticipated our mission they would gather a huge army around the cathedral . So that it will not be simple to get in. E5M5txt001=What? Axardene is dead? E5M5txt002=The rest of evidence is in the library. E5M5txt003=Hmmm... E5M5txt004=I am not omniscient but I read about the human feelings having an exceptional power. E5M5txt005=Yes. Extraordinary, but unpredictable in fact. And provided baroness Krisstiana is vampire, Lotud, an Axardene's servant, can be living dead knight. How then shall we build clean future with dirty hands? E5M5txt006=We will not be in the way... E5M5txt007=You are not in the way. I don't mind. And as far as I am here, none of you will be expelled. E5M5txt008=Good. Let's try to omit our differences so that Weneris get back to the temple OF THE THREE. Tyboran, what's the attitude of the dwarfish empire on this matter? E5M5txt009=Emperor Zirin promised his help, but he doesn't make next steps towards the stability of the country yet. Nevertheless some clans promised us their help and together we started to build several airships. E5M5txt010=OK. Be aware my friends that today it is not the matter of power, force, money and glory, but it is the matter of peace. Try to finish this cursed bloody war. lE5M5_Ukol1=Lead Lotud to the cathedral. lE5M5_Ukol2=Elsan, Mirina, Kriss, DanGrud, Tyboran and Lotud mustn´t die. lE5M5_text1=Lotud is walking into the cathedral. lMapaE5M6=&Epilogue lMapaE5M6_text= The crystal Weneris was returned to the temple OF THE THREE. Filiner became a representative of the elf counsel and taught people of Elf to live in tradition. Mirina was rethroned again and she established peace like during her father's reign. Tyboran and DanGrud became state hetmen of the dwarfish boundary. And Lotud with Kristiana? They disappeared and nobody has seen them since. They ran away from world of the legend which I am telling here. But it is another story...